Articles by Ruth John
Lots to see in Firefox 93!
Firefox 93 comes with lots of lovely updates including AVIF image format support, filling of XFA-based forms in its PDF viewer and protection against insecure downloads by blocking downloads relying on insecure connections.
Time for a review of Firefox 92
Release time comes around so quickly! This month we have quite a few CSS updates, along with the new Object.hasOwn() static method for JavaScript.
Spring cleaning MDN: Part 2
Last month we removed a bunch of content from MDN. MDN is 16 years old (and yes it can drink in some countries), all that time ago it was a great place for all of Mozilla to document all of their things. As MDN evolved and the web reference became our core content, other areas became less relevant to the overall site. We have ~11k active pages on MDN, so keeping them up to date is a big task and we feel our focus should be there.
Hopping on Firefox 91
August is already here, which means so is Firefox 91! For developers, Firefox 91 supports the Visual Viewport API and Intl.DateTimeFormat object additions.
Spring Cleaning MDN: Part 1
As we’re all aware by now, we made some big platform changes at the end of 2020. Whilst the big move has happened, it’s given us a great opportunity to clear out the cupboards and closets.
Getting lively with Firefox 90
As the summer rolls around for those of us in the northern hemisphere, temperatures are high and unwinding with a cool ice tea is high on the agenda. Isn't it lucky then that Background Update is here for Windows, which means Firefox can update even if it's not running. We can just sit back and relax! Also this release we see a few nice JavaScript additions, including private fields and methods for classes, and the at() method for Array, String and TypedArray global objects. This blog post just provides a set of highlights.