News Articles
Presenting the MDN Web Developer Needs Assessment (Web DNA) Report
The first annual MDN Developer Needs Assessment aims to represent the voices of developers and designers working on the web. We've analyzed the data provided by more than 28,000 completed surveys, and we've identified 28 discrete needs, sorted into 14 different themes. Four of the top ten needs relate to browser compatibility, our #1 theme. Documentation, Testing, Debugging, and Frameworks round out the top five.
A Homepage for the JavaScript Specification
Ecma TC39 has shipped a website for following updates to the JavaScript specification. It's the first part of a two-part project to help people find the information they need in order to understand the specification and our process. The current website is a simple MVP that provides links to our most significant documents, as well as a list of proposals that are near completion. We will experiment with other features as the need arises.
Announcing a New Management Structure for Ecma TC39
In 2019, Ecma’s TC39—the standardizing body behind JavaScript/ECMAScript—will change its management structure to reflect the growth of the committee and the frequency of its meetings. TC39 will move away from single-chair and vice-chair roles to a flat hierarchy with three chairs sharing the responsibility. Congratulations to new co-chairs Aki Braun (PayPal), Brian Terlson (Microsoft), and Yulia Startsev (Mozilla).
Mozilla ♥ Rails Girls Summer of Code
Mozilla is working hard to support and advocate for diversity in the tech industry. On that note, we are proud to announce our support and sponsorship of the Rails Girls Summer of Code program, 2016 edition! Rails Girls Summer of Code (RGSoC) is a fellowship program conceived to bring more diversity in tech, and open […]
Welcoming the new kid: Web Platform Docs
Documenting the open Web and Web standards is a big job! As Mozillians, we’re well aware of this — documenting the open Web has been the mission of the Mozilla Developer Network for many years. Anything we can do to further the cause of a free and open Web is a worthwhile endeavor. With so […]
The future of Mozilla Hacks
During the last year, we’ve seen a 330% improvement in the number of unique visitors for Mozilla Hacks, and out of those, we saw a lot of new readers as well. Thank you! Here at Mozilla Hacks we are constantly working on improving the blog, and I thought I’d talk a little about us and […]
Hack the News: Apply for an OpenNews Fellowship
How would you like a job where every day is like a hackathon, and you are helping to reinvent a struggling industry? If that sounds intriguing to you, you should apply to become a Knight-Mozilla OpenNews Fellow for 2012-2013. If selected, you’ll be embedded in a world-class newsroom, where you’ll write the code that exposes […]
Hacking Innovation: At WebFWD, Lean Startup Methodology Meets Open Source
WebFWD is Mozilla’s accelerator and incubator program for Open Innovation on the Web. It launched at the start of the summer, around the same time I joined Mozilla as a writer and wrangler of content, so I feel a personal stake in helping the program flourish and thrive. In the lean and rapid style of […]
Want to hack the news? Join the Knight-Mozilla news tech community
The 2011 Knight-Mozilla news tech challenge is drawing to a close on Sunday, June 5th. The Knight-Mozilla partnership, affectionately called “MoJo,” is a program for hacks and hackers to pair up and develop fresh ideas for the news business. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and harness the transformative potential of the open web. To […]