Announcing a New Management Structure for Ecma TC39

Author’s note: You might have noticed that the name of the author appears in this article in the third person. Hi, I’m an engineer at Mozilla working on the Firefox DevTools server. I’m also a TC39 representative. I don’t usually write about myself in the 3rd person.


In 2019, Ecma’s TC39 (the standardizing body behind JavaScript/ECMAScript)  will be trying something new. The committee has grown in the last few years. As a result, the requirements of running the meeting have grown. To give you an idea of the scale — between 40 and 60 delegates (and sometimes more) meet 6 times a year to discuss proposed changes to the ECMAScript specification. Since we have grown so much, we will be changing our management structure. We will move away from single-chair and vice-chair roles to a flat hierarchy with three chairs sharing the responsibility.

In keeping with this new approach, we’re excited to announce new co-chairs Aki Braun (PayPal), Brian Terlson (Microsoft) and Yulia Startsev (Mozilla). Myles Borins (Google), and Till Schneidereit (Mozilla) will join to help facilitate the meetings. We’ll experiment with this structure this year, and then reflect on what we learn. This new structure allows us to iterate on running meetings so that we can be more efficient as a group.

Thanks to our previous chair and vice-chairs Rex Jaeschke, Leo Balter (Bocoup), and Dan Ehrenberg (Igalia), for their fantastic work to date.

If you are interested in the specification process, we invite you to take a look at our contribution documentation, and current proposals. If you want to talk JS or just hang out, feel free to join us in #tc39 on . New to IRC? .

About Yulia Startsev

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