@font-face Articles
Quickly Alter Typography with Firefox Font Editor
Have you ever landed on a web page and wondered what fonts are being used? Have you asked yourself where those fonts come from or why a particular font isn't loading? The font editor in Firefox provides answers and insights, and gives you the ability to make font changes directly, with a live preview.
Firefox 4 Demos: Awesome CSS3 Planetarium
O hai pixel lovers! Check out this gorgeous CSS3 demo: Planetarium, by the LittleWorkshop team (@glecollinet & @whatthefranck). Screencast: Youtube link. Gorgeous Animations The principal feature show-cased in this demo is CSS3 Transitions. The animation between the welcome-screen and the planet-screen, and the animation between the different planets are powered by transitions. But there are […]
Firefox 4: OpenType font feature support
When @font-face support was introduced in Firefox 3.5, web authors were suddenly given a way of dramatically enhancing the typography used on their sites. With all major browsers slated to soon support WOFF fonts offered by many font vendors, the range of fonts available on the web is far wider than it was just two […]
font_dragr: a drag and drop preview tool for fonts
This demo is from our good friend Ryan Seddon who came up with a demo that seems deeply appropriate for this week, given our focus on the future of fonts on the web. If you’ve ever been editing a page and wanted to know what a particular font looked like without having to upload files […]
after Firefox 3.6 – new font control features for designers
Note: the discussion below applies to work in progress that might show up in Firefox 3.7. It does not describe features in Firefox 3.6. This post is from Jonathan Kew and John Daggett. He’s supplied a 5 minute video that shows some of the features on the fly. If you’re a total font nerd and […]
Web Open Font Format for Firefox 3.6
This article was written by John Daggett. John is a Mozilla contributor and has been working hard with font creators and web developers to improve the state of fonts on the web. This article is a high-level overview of whats different and shows some examples of WOFF in use. A full list of other supporting […]
(r)evolution number 5
We’ve just launched Firefox 3.5, and we’re incredibly proud. Naturally, we have engaged in plentiful Mozilla advocacy — this site is, amongst other things, a vehicle for showcasing the latest browser’s new capabilities. We like to think about this release as an upgrade for the whole World Wide Web, because of the new developer-facing features […]
the potential of web typography
This post counts as both a demo and commentary about the changing nature of typography on the web. Ian Lynam and Craig Mod have put together a page that is an excellent example of typography in action, but also offer some suggestions on what the next steps for typography on the web might look like. […]
web fonts and css features – a simple demonstration
This post is from Laurent Jouanneau, who was kind enough to build a very simple but elegant demonstration of how to use web fonts and some of the new CSS features in Firefox 3.5. View the Demo in Firefox 3.5 Shadows and round corners First, we set some style properties on the toolbar: -moz-border-radius -moz-border-radius:10px […]
beautiful fonts with @font-face
This article is also available in Bulgarian. While Firefox 3.0 improved typographic rendering by introducing support for kerning, ligatures, and multiple weights along with support for rendering complex scripts, authors are still limited to using commonly available fonts in their designs. Firefox 3.5 removes this restriction by introducing support for the CSS @font-face rule, a […]