Articles for October 2019
Auditing For Accessibility Problems With Firefox Developer Tools
In Firefox 70, the Accessibility Inspector has become an auditing facility to help identify and fix many common mistakes and practices that reduce site accessibility. In this post, Marco Zehe offers an overview of what is available in this latest release.
From js13kGames to MozFest Arcade: A game dev Web Monetization story
This is a case study in the making: how js13kGames, an online “code golf” competition for web game developers, tried out Web Monetization this year. And ended up at the Mozilla Festival, happening this week in London, demoing dozens of interesting web-monetized games. You can check out the MozFest Arcade online as well.
The two-value syntax of the CSS Display property
The display CSS property is how we change the formatting context of an element and its children. One of the first things you will learn about CSS is that some elements are block by default, and others are inline. The display property enables switching between these states. With support currently available only in Firefox 70, it is too early to start using these two-value properties in production. However, they are important to be aware of, in terms of what they mean for CSS.
Firefox 70 — a bountiful release for all
Firefox 70 is released today, and includes great new features such as secure password generation with Lockwise and the new Firefox Privacy Protection Report, as well as cool additions for developers. These include DOM mutation breakpoints and inactive CSS rule indicators in the DevTools, several new CSS text properties, two-value display syntax, and JS numeric separators. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the highlights!
Quickly Alter Typography with Firefox Font Editor
Have you ever landed on a web page and wondered what fonts are being used? Have you asked yourself where those fonts come from or why a particular font isn't loading? The font editor in Firefox provides answers and insights, and gives you the ability to make font changes directly, with a live preview.
Faster Layouts with CSS Grid (and Subgrid!)
CSS Grid has been available in most major browsers since early 2017, and it makes web layout more powerful than ever before. But complex-looking new syntax (line-names! grid-areas! minmax! fit-content! fr units!) and missing IE11 support can make it scary. Don’t let that stop you. Miriam Suzanne offers some basic approaches you can put to work today.
Developing cross-browser extensions with web-ext 3.2.0
The web-ext tool was created at Mozilla to help you build browser extensions faster and more easily. Although our first launch focused on support for the desktop Firefox browser, followed by Firefox for Android, our vision was always to support cross-platform development once we shipped Firefox support. With the 3.2.0 release, you can finally use
to truly build cross-platform extensions! -
Firefox’s New WebSocket Inspector
The Firefox DevTools team and our contributors were hard at work over the summer, getting Firefox 70 jam-packed with improvements. We are especially excited about our new WebSocket inspection feature. To use the inspector now, download Firefox Developer Edition, and open the DevTools’ Network panel to find the Messages tab. Then, keep reading to learn more about WebSockets and the tricks that the new panel has up its sleeve.
The Mozilla Developer Roadshow Talks: Firefox, WebAssembly, CSS, WebXR and More
The Mozilla Developer Roadshow program launched in 2017 with the goal of bringing expert speakers and web technology updates to local communities through free events and partnerships. Check out the video playlist from our summer tour, with talks on topics like Mixed Reality, WebAssembly, modern CSS, and more. Or register now for an upcoming Roadshow event in Asia.
Why is CSS So Weird?
CSS is the design language of the web — one of three core web languages — but it also seems to be the most contentious and often perplexing. It's too easy and too hard, too fragile and too resilient. Love it or hate it, CSS is weird: not quite markup, not quite programming in the common (imperative) sense, and nothing like the design programs we use for print. How did we get here?