WDC2011: Tomorrow's Web (and Future Technologies)

Last Friday I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the Web Developer Conference in Bristol. This was the fifth conference in the event’s history and was attended by well over 200 Web designers and developers from across the UK.

In my talk I covered some Web technologies that are on the horizon and coming your way in the near future. Some topics of particular interest are the WebAPIs that we’re working on, with the WebVibrator API easily being the most popular amongst the attendees (no idea why).

But in all seriousness, it was a great event and I’m glad to see some of the attendees exploring these new technologies as a result of the talk.

You can check out the slides below:

About Robin Hawkes

Robin thrives on solving problems through code. He's a Digital Tinkerer, Head of Developer Relations at Pusher, former Evangelist at Mozilla, book author, and a Brit.

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  1. Jon

    Just looking at your slideshow it seems that there is a lot to look forward to in the future. I had not heard of Web sockets before. (I am just a novice at programming and I am still trying to figure out java and php.)

    Anyway it seems that web sockets could really speed up data transfers so the expressions “real time” would actually be in real time. Something I will have to research more.


    October 24th, 2011 at 20:04

  2. Raymond L Knutson

    cool,nice help it was

    December 15th, 2011 at 23:41

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