Dev Derby Articles
Announcing the winners of the April 2013 Dev Derby!
This past April, some of the most creative web developers out there showed us what they could do with Web Workers in the April Dev Derby contest. After looking through the entries, our expert judges–James Padolsey, Janet Swisher, Maire Reavy, and Randell Jesup–decided on three winners and two runners-up. Not a contestant? There are other […]
Announcing the winners of the March 2013 Dev Derby!
This past March, some of the most creative web developers out there showed us what they could do for the mobile Web in the March Dev Derby contest. After looking through the entries, our our three expert judges–Craig Cook, Franck Lecollinet, and Guillaume Lecollinet–decided on three winners and two runners-up. Not a contestant? There are […]
Announcing the winners of the February 2013 Dev Derby!
Last month, some of the most creative web developers out there pushed the limits of touch events and multi-touch interaction in the February Dev Derby contest. After looking through the entries, our three expert judges–Franck Lecollinet, Guillaume Lecollinet, and (filling in for Craig Cook this month) yours truly–decided on three winners and two runners-up. Not […]
Announcing the winners of the January 2013 Dev Derby!
This past January, creative web developers from around the world showed us what they could do with drag and drop interaction in the January Dev Derby contest. After looking through the entries, our three new expert judges–Craig Cook, Franck Lecollinet, and Guillaume Lecollinet–decided on four winners and two runners-up. Not a contestant? There are other […]
Announcing the winners of the December 2012 Dev Derby!
Last month, some of the most creative web developers out there showed us what they could do with Offline web technologies in the December Dev Derby contest. After looking through the entries, our three judges–Dave Rupert, Eric Shepherd and (filling in for Christian Heilmann this month) yours truly–decided on three winners and two runners-up. Not […]
Story of a Knight: the making of
The travel of a medieval knight through fullscreen DOM. The ‘making of’ the demo that has won the November Dev Derby. Technologies used: Fullscreen API Canvas Google Maps Audio HTML5 Font-face jQuery: Latest jQuery version Scrollpath by Joel Besada jQuery-FullScreen by Martin Angelov Markup And Style Markup and style are organized in this way: An […]
Announcing the November Dev Derby winners!
Last month, some of the most creative web developers out there showed us what they could do with the Fullscreen API in the November Dev Derby contest. After looking through the entries, our three expert judges–Christian Heilmann, Dave Rupert and Eric Shepherd–decided on three winners and two runners-up. Not a contestant? There are other reasons […]
A tale of a CSS3 Animation Demo
Once upon a time, there was this good hearted web developer, who was everyday worried about learning new cool things and trying new crazy stuff his browser could barely be able to do. Also, there were some giants, working hard to increase the power of the magic web, allowing all the peoples to live, code, […]
Comic Gen – a canvas-run comic generator
The first time I wanted to participate on Dev Derby was on the May 2012 challenge, where the rules were that you should use websockets. At that time I thought that I could use NodeJS and SocketIO. But the time kept running and I ended not having any cool ideas for an app. Since then […]
Announcing the October Dev Derby winners!
Last month, some of the most creative web developers in the world showed us what they could do with CSS Media Queries in the October Dev Derby contest. After looking through the entries, our three new judges–Dave Rupert, Eric Shepherd and I–decided on three winners and two runners-up. Not a contestant? There are other reasons […]