Articles by Christopher Blizzard
an update on open video codecs and quality
Two days ago we posted a comparison by Greg Maxwell of low and medium resolution YouTube videos vs. Theora counterparts at the same bit rates. The result in that test was that Theora did much better at the low bit rate and more or less the same at the slightly higher bit rate. The conclusion […]
audio player – HTML5 style
Last week we featured a demo from Alistair MacDonald (@F1LT3R) where he showed how to animate SVG with Canvas and a bunch of free tools. This week he has another demo for us that shows how you can use the new audio element in Firefox 3.5 with some canvas and JS to build a nice-looking […]
3D transforms in Firefox 3.5 – the isocube
This demo was created by Zachary Johnson, a Minneapolis, MN based web developer who has also authored a jQuery plugin for animated “3D” rotation. I’d like to show an example of a visual effect that can be accomplished using the new -moz-transform CSS transformation property that is available in the Firefox 3.5 browser. I was […]
a short introduction to media queries in Firefox 3.5
This post is by Eric Shepherd, who leads Mozilla’s documentation project at the Mozilla Developer Center. In this day and age, it’s important for web content to support rendering on an increasingly wide variety of devices. Not only do users expect to use your content on their home computer, or read it printed on paper, […]
open video codecs and quality
This is a re-post (with permission) of a post that Greg Maxwell wrote in response to a comment by Chris DiBona from Google on a whatwg mailing list. The codecs being discussed are the same ones we’ll be including in Firefox 3.5 and are also the same codecs that Mozilla, Wikipedia and others have been […]
web fonts and css features – a simple demonstration
This post is from Laurent Jouanneau, who was kind enough to build a very simple but elegant demonstration of how to use web fonts and some of the new CSS features in Firefox 3.5. View the Demo in Firefox 3.5 Shadows and round corners First, we set some style properties on the toolbar: -moz-border-radius -moz-border-radius:10px […]
geolocation with open street maps
This demo was created by René-Luc D’Hont. He created this demo for the 35 days project with open source software and open data from various projects. His company, 3Liz, specializes in open source GIS application development. Three days ago we had a post from Doug Turner describing how Geolocation works in Firefox 3.5. René-Luc has […]
shadow boxing with -moz-box-shadow
Another fun CSS3 feature that’s been implemented in Firefox 3.5 is box shadows. This feature allows the casting of a drop “shadow” from the frame of almost any arbitrary element. As the CSS3 box shadow property is still a work in progress, however, it’s been implemented as -moz-box-shadow in Firefox. This is how Mozilla tests […]
what does tracemonkey feel like?
One of our goals with Firefox 3.5 is to help upgrade the web. Over the lifecycle of this release we’ve invested heavily in developer features. One of the features that we’ve invested in is TraceMonkey – a tracing interpreter that turns commonly-run JavaScript code into machine code so that it can run at near-native speeds. […]
beautiful fonts with @font-face
This article is also available in Bulgarian. While Firefox 3.0 improved typographic rendering by introducing support for kerning, ligatures, and multiple weights along with support for rendering complex scripts, authors are still limited to using commonly available fonts in their designs. Firefox 3.5 removes this restriction by introducing support for the CSS @font-face rule, a […]