One of our goals with Firefox 3.5 is to help upgrade the web. Over the lifecycle of this release we’ve invested heavily in developer features. One of the features that we’ve invested in is TraceMonkey – a tracing interpreter that turns commonly-run JavaScript code into machine code so that it can run at near-native speeds. We consider it to be both an end user feature because it makes existing web applications faster as well as a developer feature because of the new kinds of applications it enables.
We’re always challenged to try and come up with ways to describe what that means in a way that’s not a dry benchmark. How can we explain what it feels like?
We’ve made a video to help describe both what it means by the numbers, but also shows what it feels like. If you want to try the demo we suggest you try it in both Firefox 3 and Firefox 3.5. It’s something you can really feel.
About Christopher Blizzard
Making the web better, one release at a time.