A few weeks ago, Over the Air 2012, Englands biggest mobile (un)conference in Bletchley Park, England (home of the first ever computer built to crack the German Enigma encryption machines) attracted a few hundred developers to hear about the latest happenings in the mobile space and hack with them.
Mozilla’s contribution was not only the sponsorship of the much needed beanbags but also a keynote on the much discussed topic of web vs. native applications on mobile devices. Today the organisers released the videos of the talks and here is Chris Heilmann of Mozilla talking about If mobiles don’t come to the web then the web must come to mobiles.
The slides are on the web and the screencast is on vid.ly and on YouTube:
Furthermore, we chatted with Christian Payne about Boot to Gecko and there is an audio recording available on AudioBoo:
The Next Web also covered the event and had a few questions on HTML5 on mobiles.
In addition to this, Francisco Jordano of Telefonica gave a talk about the Open Web Device which is powered by Boot to Gecko:
There is much, much more to be seen about Over the Air, and you can browse all the videos, talks and coverage of the event on Lanyrd.
About Chris Heilmann
Evangelist for HTML5 and open web. Let's fix this!