HTML5 Canvas is a very cool feature. Seemingly just an opportunity to paint inside the browser with a very low-level API you can use it to heavily convert and change image and video content in the document. Today, let’s take a quick look at how you can use Canvas and the FileReader API to create thumbnails from images dropped into a browser document.
The final code is available on GitHub and you can see an online demo here. There is also a screencast available on YouTube:
Step 1: Getting the files into the browser
The first step to resize images in the browser is to somehow get them. For this, we can just add an element in the page and assign drag and drop event handlers to it:
s.addEventListener( 'dragover', function ( evt ) {
}, false );
s.addEventListener( 'drop', getfiles, false );
Notice that we only prevent the default behaviour when we drag things over the element. This is to prevent the browser from just showing the images when we drag them in.
The getfiles()
function then does the hard work of reading all the files in and sending them on to the functions that do the resizing and image generation:
function getfiles( ev ) {
var files = ev.dataTransfer.files;
if ( files.length > 0 ) {
var i = files.length;
while ( i-- ) {
var file = files[ i ];
if ( file.type.indexOf( 'image' ) === -1 ) { continue; }
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsDataURL( file );
reader.onload = function ( ev ) {
var img = new Image();
img.src =;
img.onload = function() {
imagetocanvas( this, thumbwidth, thumbheight, crop, background );
The drop
event gives us a property called dataTransfer
which contains a list of all the files that have been dropped. We make sure that there was at least one file in the drop and then iterate over them.
If the file type was not an image (or in other words the type property of the file does not contain the string “image”) we don’t do anything with the file and continue the loop.
If the file is an image we instantiate a new FileReader
and tell it to read the file as a Data URL. When the reader successfully loaded the file it fires its onload
In this handler we create a new image and set its src
attribute to the result
of the file transfer. We then send this image to the imagetocanvas()
function with the parameters to resize (in the demo these come from the form):
function imagetocanvas( img, thumbwidth, thumbheight, crop, background ) {
c.width = thumbwidth;
c.height = thumbheight;
var dimensions = resize( img.width, img.height, thumbwidth, thumbheight );
if ( crop ) {
c.width = dimensions.w;
c.height = dimensions.h;
dimensions.x = 0;
dimensions.y = 0;
if ( background !== 'transparent' ) {
cx.fillStyle = background;
cx.fillRect ( 0, 0, thumbwidth, thumbheight );
img, dimensions.x, dimensions.y, dimensions.w, dimensions.h
addtothumbslist( jpeg, quality );
This function gets the desired thumbnail size and resizes the canvas to these dimensions. This has the added benefit of wiping the canvas so that no old image data would be added to our thumbnail. We then resize the image to fit into the thumbnail using a resize()
function. You can see for yourself what this one does in the source code, it just means the image gets resized to fit. The function returns an object with the width and the height of the new image and the x and y position where it should be positioned onto the canvas.
If we don’t want the full-size thumbnail but instead crop it we resize the canvas accordingly and reset x and y to 0.
If the user requested a background we fill the canvas with the colour. After that we put the image on the canvas with the x and y coordinates and the new width and height.
This takes care of creating a new thumbnail on the canvas, but we haven’t got it as an image in the document yet. To this end, we call addtothumbslist()
function addtothumbslist( jpeg, quality ) {
var thumb = new Image(),
url = jpeg ? c.toDataURL( 'image/jpeg' , quality ) : c.toDataURL();
thumb.src = url;
thumb.title = Math.round( url.length / 1000 * 100 ) / 100 + ' KB';
o.appendChild( thumb );
This one creates a new image and checks if the users wanted a JPG or PNG image to be created. PNG images tend to be better quality but also bigger in file size. If a JPG was requested we call the canvas’ toDataURL()
method with two parameters: the requested JPEG mime type and the quality of the image (ranging between 0 and 1 with 1 being best quality). If a PNG is wanted, we can just call toDataURL()
without any parameters as this is the default.
We set the src
of the image to the generated url string and add a title showing the size of the image in KB (rounded to two decimals). All that is left then is to add the thumb to the output element on the page.
That’s it, you can now drag and drop images into the browser to generate thumbnails. Right now, we can only save them one at a time (or if you have some download add-ons all at once). Would be fun to add Zip.js to the mix to offer them as a zip. I dare you! :)
More reading:
- Drag and Drop on MDN
- FileReader on MDN
- Canvas on MDN
About Chris Heilmann
Evangelist for HTML5 and open web. Let's fix this!