Time to build a better web – a talk at Heart and Sole

A few weeks ago Portsmouth in England hosted the first Heart and Sole conference. This new conference had quite some appeal to me because of its nature: it was organised by local people who want to boost the web development market, it had rather unknown speakers who show a lot of great stuff online (and I wanted to see how they perform in front of an audience) and it was incredible affordable for the price of a sandwich lunch in London.

Seeing that the audience consisted almost exclusively of students and small agencies I thought I write a talk about HTML5 explaining that is not only a plaything of large companies and “web development rockstars” but that everybody can be part of the cause and that we really need people’s input and real life implementations to make the new open tech revolution a reality.

Here are the video recording and slides of my talk. You can also find the detailed notes of the slides here.


You can see “Multimedia on the web” on any HTML5 enabled device here (courtesy of vid.ly) or embedded here:


The slides are available on Slideshare:

More videos of Heart and Sole

You can see the other videos of Heart and Sole on Vimeo including a great Introduction to Canvas by Rob Hawkes, musings on Designing WordPress by John O’Nolan and Making Ajax userfriendly with the History API by Syd Lawrence.

There will be another Heart and Sole, so keep your eyes open.

About Chris Heilmann

Evangelist for HTML5 and open web. Let's fix this!

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One comment

  1. fpiat

    The web workers (not js stuff) will die before a better web. We cannot sell our work at it real price, we cannot spend time to learn even more and more new HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, frameworks, books, blogs, videos, etc. Where are the standards. For the moment it’s HTML 4.1 and CSS2. All other “things” are just W3 drafts and vendor prefix. Do you really think that it’s cool to use 5 differents properties to obtain a rounded-corner? Do you really think that in 2 ou 3 years we will clean our code? I can’t run after the night builds of X, Y,Z for testing what is now supported by X, Y, Z. WebWorker is dead. Long life WebWorker.

    February 22nd, 2011 at 11:19

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