Articles tagged “TC39”
Compiler Compiler: A Twitch series about working on a JavaScript engine
Yulia Startsev, a JavaScript engineer on Firefox's SpiderMonkey team, introduces her new Twitch stream called Compiler Compiler. In the three opening interactive episodes, we get an inside look at how the JavaScript Specification, ECMA-262, is implemented in SpiderMonkey, by reading the spec and fixing issues in the implementation.
JavaScript and evidence-based language design
In what ways can empirical evidence be used in the design of a language like JavaScript? At TC39, as stewards of the JavaScript specification, how do we answer questions about the design of JavaScript and help make it accessible to the thousands of new coders who join the industry each year? To answer this we need to experiment, and I need your help.
A Homepage for the JavaScript Specification
Ecma TC39 has shipped a website for following updates to the JavaScript specification. It's the first part of a two-part project to help people find the information they need in order to understand the specification and our process. The current website is a simple MVP that provides links to our most significant documents, as well as a list of proposals that are near completion. We will experiment with other features as the need arises.
Announcing a New Management Structure for Ecma TC39
In 2019, Ecma’s TC39—the standardizing body behind JavaScript/ECMAScript—will change its management structure to reflect the growth of the committee and the frequency of its meetings. TC39 will move away from single-chair and vice-chair roles to a flat hierarchy with three chairs sharing the responsibility. Congratulations to new co-chairs Aki Braun (PayPal), Brian Terlson (Microsoft), and Yulia Startsev (Mozilla).