IndexedDB Articles
What’s new in IndexedDB 2.0?
The draft of Indexed Database API 2.0 is almost complete, providing several new APIs for fine-grained access to IndexedDB. The good news is that all these new APIs are implemented in Firefox and will be available in the release of Firefox 51 (currently available in Developer Edition, scheduled for general release in January 2017). In […]
Breaking the Borders of IndexedDB
In this article I want to share with you how to do some cool IndexedDB queries that aren’t ‘possible’ out of the box unless you add some ‘tricks’. The algorithms I’m going to show, except the ‘full-text-search’ one, were invented by me while I was writing on the open source javascript library Dexie.js. Some of […]
The Making of the Time Out Firefox OS app
A rash start into adventure So we told our client that yes, of course, we would do their Firefox OS app. We didn’t know much about FFOS at the time. But, hey, we had just completed refactoring their native iOS and Android apps. Web applications were our core business all along. So what was to […]
localForage: Offline Storage, Improved
Web apps have had offline capabilities like saving large data sets and binary files for some time. You can even do things like cache MP3 files. Browser technology can store data offline and plenty of it. The problem, though, is that the technology choices for how you do this are fragmented. localStorage gets you really […]
Monster Madness – creating games on the web with Emscripten
When our engineering teams at Trendy Entertainment & Nom Nom Games decided on the strategy of developing one of our new Unreal Engine 3 games — Monster Madness Online — as a cross-platform title, we knew that a frictionless multiplayer web browser version would be central to this experience. The big question, however, was determining […]
Building a Notes App with IndexedDB, Redis and Node.js
In this post, I’ll be talking about how to create a basic note-taking app that syncs local and remote content if you are online and defaults to saving locally if offline. Using Redis on the server-side When adding records in Redis, we aren’t working with a relational database like in MySQL or PostgreSQL. We are […]
Using IndexedDB API today – the IndexedDB polyfills
This is a guest post from Parashuram Narasimhan on how to use IndexedDB today. Using the polyfills mentioned in this article, web developers can start using IndexedDB APIs in their applications and support a wider range of browsers. The IndexedDB API has matured into a stable specification with support by major browser vendors. However, the […]
Why no FileSystem API in Firefox?
A question that I get asked a lot is why Firefox doesn’t support the FileSystem API. Usually, but not always, they are referring specifically to the FileSystem and FileWriter specifications which Google is implementing in Chrome, and which they have proposed for standardization in W3C. The answer is somewhat complex, and depends greatly on what […]
There is no simple solution for local storage
TL;DR: we have to stop advocating localStorage as a great opportunity for storing data as it performs badly. Sadly enough the alternatives are not nearly as supported or simple to implement. When it comes to web development you will always encounter things that sound too good to be true. Sometimes they are good, and all […]
Storing images and files in IndexedDB
The other day we wrote about how to Save images and files in localStorage, and it was about being pragmatic with what we have available today. There are, however, a number of performance implications with localStorage – something that we will cover on this blog later – and the desired future approach is utilizing IndexedDB. […]