hardware Articles
Mozilla WebThings Gateway Kit by OKdo
Mozilla WebThings Gateway is an open source software distribution focused on privacy, security, and interoperability. It provides a web-based user interface to monitor and control smart home devices over the web. OKdo, a UK vendor offerings IoT technology for hobbyists, educators, and entrepreneurs, has announced the release of the WebThings Gateway Kit, with everything you need to get the Gateway up and running in minutes.
Things Gateway 0.5 packed full of new features, including experimental smart assistant
The Things Gateway from Mozilla lets you directly monitor and control your home over the web, without a middleman. The 0.5 release of the Things Gateway is packed full of new features including customizable devices, a more powerful rules engine, an interactive floor plan, and an experimental smart assistant you can talk to. It's a great way to build your own private smart home. Why not get started now?
Visualizing Your Smart Home Data with the Web of Things
Today we're mashing up two very different applications to make a cool personal dashboard for investigating all our internet-connected things, and their behavior over time. We can use one of the Web Thing API's superpowers: its flexibility. This adaptability allows us to create a bridge between the Project Things gateway and Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s Prometheus, a time-series database originally intended for supervising large clusters of servers.
Creating Web Things with Python, Node.js, and Java
Discover how to build web things with Python, Node.js, or Java using the Things Framework. These languages are definitely not optimal for small embedded devices; this tutorial is intended for higher-end devices that can run these languages with ease, or even your own desktop computer. To demonstrate, we’ll be turning the Music Player Daemon (MPD) into a web thing.
Making a Clap-Sensing Web Thing
The Project Things Gateway exists as a platform to bring all of your IoT devices together under a unified umbrella, using a standardized HTTP-based API. We recently announced the Things Gateway and we’ve started a series of hands-on project posts for people who want to set up a Gateway and explore. In this post we’ll take what we’ve learned so far and build a real add-on for the Gateway. This add-on will provide a clap-sensing Web Thing that we can use to control our lights and other devices.
Creating an Add-on for the Project Things Gateway
The Project Things Gateway exists as a platform to bring all of your IoT devices together under a unified umbrella, using a standardized HTTP-based API. Currently, the platform only has support for a limited number of devices, and we need your help expanding our reach! Looking for a weekend project? It is fairly straightforward to add support for new devices, and we will walk you through how to do so.
How to build your own private smart home with a Raspberry Pi and Mozilla’s Things Gateway
Last year we announced Project Things by Mozilla. Project Things is a framework of software and services that can bridge the communication gap between connected devices by giving “things” URLs on the web. Today I’m excited to tell you about the latest version of the Things Gateway and how you can use it to directly […]
Headless Raspberry Pi configuration over Bluetooth
With the advent of the newer Raspberry Pi 3 (RPi) with built-in Bluetooth, there are now new options for getting connected to the console of the RPi, without the headache of having to dig up a monitor and keyboard (much less a serial cable with pinouts). This is especially advantageous when running workshops and hackathons, […]