CSS Articles
The two-value syntax of the CSS Display property
The display CSS property is how we change the formatting context of an element and its children. One of the first things you will learn about CSS is that some elements are block by default, and others are inline. The display property enables switching between these states. With support currently available only in Firefox 70, it is too early to start using these two-value properties in production. However, they are important to be aware of, in terms of what they mean for CSS.
Quickly Alter Typography with Firefox Font Editor
Have you ever landed on a web page and wondered what fonts are being used? Have you asked yourself where those fonts come from or why a particular font isn't loading? The font editor in Firefox provides answers and insights, and gives you the ability to make font changes directly, with a live preview.
Faster Layouts with CSS Grid (and Subgrid!)
CSS Grid has been available in most major browsers since early 2017, and it makes web layout more powerful than ever before. But complex-looking new syntax (line-names! grid-areas! minmax! fit-content! fr units!) and missing IE11 support can make it scary. Don’t let that stop you. Miriam Suzanne offers some basic approaches you can put to work today.
Why is CSS So Weird?
CSS is the design language of the web — one of three core web languages — but it also seems to be the most contentious and often perplexing. It's too easy and too hard, too fragile and too resilient. Love it or hate it, CSS is weird: not quite markup, not quite programming in the common (imperative) sense, and nothing like the design programs we use for print. How did we get here?
Video Shorts from Mozilla Developer
Today we’re launching a new video channel, with a selection of shorts to kick things off. Get started with an intro to Dark Mode on the web, by Deja Hodge. Then, Jen Simmons shows us how to access a handy third-panel in the Firefox Developer Tools. Miriam Suzanne has a video all about the
pseudo-element and list counters. No matter your experience level or job description, we’re all working together towards the future health of the web, and Mozilla is here to help. -
Firefox 69 — a tale of Resize Observer, microtasks, CSS, and DevTools
For our latest excellent adventure, we’ve gone and cooked up a new Firefox release. Version 69 features a number of great new additions including JavaScript public instance fields, the Resize Observer and Microtask APIs, CSS logical overflow properties (e.g. overflow-block) and @supports for selectors.
New CSS Features in Firefox 68
Firefox 68 landed earlier this month with a bunch of CSS additions and changes. In this blog post Rachel Andrew takes a look at some of the things you can expect to find, like Scroll Snapping done right, the
pseudo-element, and new tooling in Firefox DevTools for working with CSS. -
CSS Scroll Snap Updated in Firefox 68
The CSS Scroll Snap specification gives us a way in CSS to snap between different elements in a page or scrolling component. In this post, Rachel Andrew explains how scroll snapping works, why we had a situation where browsers were running different versions of the specification, and how that's changing.
CSS Grid Level 2 – subgrid is coming to Firefox
The subgrid feature which is part of Level 2 of the CSS Grid Specification is not yet shipping in any browser, but is now available for testing in Firefox Nightly. This is a feature that, if you have used CSS Grid for a layout of any complexity, you are likely to be pretty excited about
Scroll Anchoring in Firefox 66
Firefox 66 was released last week with a new feature called scroll anchoring, based on a new CSS specification. Scroll anchoring works to anchor the user to the content they’re looking at. As this content is moved by ads, screen rotations, screen resizes, or other causes, the page now scrolls to keep you at the same relative position to it. Learn how our intervention works.