Boot to Gecko (B2G) Articles
Gaia, Mozilla's user interface for Boot to Gecko – all web technologies
On Monday we wrote about Boot to Gecko and its announcements and discussing how the Web is the Platform. Today we’ll look at Gaia, Mozilla’s user interface for Boot to Gecko, which is an extension of that.
Mozilla's Boot to Gecko – The Web is the Platform
Mozilla’s Boot to Gecko (B2G) is about building a complete, standalone operating system for the open web. It aims at making web technologies the number one choice for applications on desktop and mobile, and we believe it can displace proprietary, single-vendor stacks for application development. And we have made some exciting progress that we want […]
Beam me up, Scotty – bringing HTML5 to the enterprise
The last few days I was busy talking to in-house developers at two large enterprise companies, Sabre in Poland and SAP in Germany. Both these companies approached us asking for a talk about HTML5 as the topic gets a lot of interest in the upper echelons and there is a lot of confusion about it. […]
WDC2011: Tomorrow's Web (and Future Technologies)
Last Friday I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the Web Developer Conference in Bristol. This was the fifth conference in the event’s history and was attended by well over 200 Web designers and developers from across the UK. In my talk I covered some Web technologies that are on the horizon and […]
Announcing Boot to Gecko (B2G) – Booting to the Web
Mozilla recently announced the Boot to Gecko (B2G) Project which is a project towards the goal of building a complete, standalone operating system for the open web.