Articles by Justin Crawford
Level Up Your Cross-Browser Testing
Today we’re announcing a special opportunity for web developers to learn how to build and automate functional browser tests — we’ve partnered with Sauce Labs to offer a special extended trial of their excellent tools, and we’ve created a custom learning resource as part of this trial. 2016: The year of web compat In 2016 […]
A Web for Everyone: Interviews with Web Practitioners — Fyrd
In recent posts, we’ve explained why it’s important to make the web work for everyone. We’ve spoken with several top web developers about how they do that. And in between, we’ve shown how browser makers can advance compatibility by adopting living standards. Today we’ll show how a single individual can dramatically improve the tooling space, […]
Firefox 49 fixes sites designed with WebKit in mind, and more
Several recent articles on the Hacks blog explain why web developers should care about cross-browser compatibility and how great web developers achieve it. Web developers have a critical role in making the web work for everyone. And so do browser makers. As of today we’re introducing a number of compatibility features to the Gecko rendering […]
A Web for Everyone: Interviews with Web Practitioners — David Walsh
We’ve heard now from Rachel Andrew, Chris Coyier, and Belén Albeza. Each of these great web developers offered ideas for accomplishing cross-browser compatibility. The fourth interviewee in our web-compatibility interview series brings some new tools to the table. David Walsh (@davidwalshblog) taught himself HTML, CSS and JavaScript at a young age, and soon turned those skills […]
A Web for Everyone: Interviews with Web Practitioners — Belén Albeza
For the third interview in our cross-browser compatibility series we talk with Belén Albeza (@ladybenko). Belén is an engineer and a game developer who works on developer relations at Mozilla. She is the author of several books about web development, including “Power-up Your Front-End Development with Grunt” and “XHTML + CSS ¡de una maldita vez!” […]
A Web for Everyone: Interviews with Web Practitioners — Chris Coyier
This is the second in a series of interviews about web compatibility with web practitioners. This week we caught up with Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier), prolific web developer and writer behind CSS-Tricks, Digging Into WordPress, and the ShopTalk Show. Chris is one of the founders of the code-snippet demo site CodePen. He recently published a book […]
A Web for Everyone: Interviews with Web Practitioners — Rachel Andrew
A recent article on Mozilla Hacks, “Make the Web Work for Everyone,” explored challenges and opportunities in browser compatibility. In that post we urged developers to build cross-browser compatible web experiences in order to maximize exposure and market size; prevent interface bugs that drive users away forever; and demonstrate professional mastery. Today we’re kicking off […]
Make the Web Work For Everyone
Updated 2016/07/22: Commenters found a few data errors (thanks!) which have now been corrected. Millions of websites have compatibility problems on one or more of the major browsers, leading to a poor user experience. The web developer community can fix this. The web has changed immensely in the past 20 years. In 1996 there were […]