Autogenerating Rust-JS bindings with UniFFI
This blog post will walk through how we developed UniFFI: a Rust library for auto-generating foreign language bindings. We will walk through some of the issues that arose along the way and how we handled them.
So you want to build your own open source ChatGPT-style chatbot…
Artificial intelligence may well prove one of the most impactful and disruptive technologies to come along in years. We want to understand, support, and contribute to these efforts because we believe that they offer one of the best ways to help ensure that the AI systems that emerge are truly trustworthy. With this in mind, a small team within Mozilla’s innovation group recently undertook a hackathon at our headquarters in San Francisco. Our objective: build a Mozilla internal chatbot prototype.
Letting users block injected third-party DLLs in Firefox
In Firefox 110, users now have the ability to control which third-party DLLs are allowed to load into Firefox processes. Let’s talk about what this means and when it might be useful.
Mozilla Launches Responsible AI Challenge
We want entrepreneurs and builders to join us in creating a future where AI is developed through this responsible lens. That’s why we are relaunching our Mozilla Builders program with the Responsible AI Challenge.
Announcing Interop 2023
Interop 2022 showed significant improvements in the interoperability of multiple platform features, along with several cross-browser investigations that looked into complex, under-specified, areas of the platform where interoperability has been difficult to achieve. Building on this, we're pleased to announce Interop 2023, the next iteration of the Interop project.
Interop 2022: Outcomes
Last March we announced the Interop 2022 project, a collaboration between Apple, Bocoup, Google, Igalia, Microsoft, and Mozilla to improve the quality and consistency of their implementations of the web platform. Now that it's 2023 and we're deep into preparations for the next iteration of Interop, it's a good time to reflect on how the first year of Interop has gone.
How the Mozilla Community helps shape our products
A product is first an idea, then a project, and then a prototype. Here, at Mozilla, our awesome community is there every step of the way to support and contribute to our products. None of what we do would be possible without this multicultural, multilingual community of like-minded people working together to be a better internet.
Improving Firefox stability with this one weird trick
We break down how we reduced Firefox out-of-memory crashes on Windows with a simple trick. Poorly behaving web pages and apps are no longer capable of crashing the browser by exhausting memory.
Revamp of MDN Web Docs Contribution Docs
The MDN Web Docs team recently undertook a project to revamp and reorganize the “Contribution Docs”. These are all the pages on MDN that describe what's what – the templates and page structures, how to perform a task on MDN, how to contribute to MDN, and the community guidelines to follow while contributing to this massive open source project.
Improving Firefox responsiveness on macOS
If you're running Firefox on macOS you might have noticed that its responsiveness has improved significantly in version 103, especially if you've got a lot of tabs, or when your machine is busy running other applications at the same time. This improvement was achieved via a small change in how locking is implemented within Firefox's memory allocator.