Hack the News: Apply for an OpenNews Fellowship

How would you like a job where every day is like a hackathon, and you are helping to reinvent a struggling industry? If that sounds intriguing to you, you should apply to become a Knight-Mozilla OpenNews Fellow for 2012-2013. If selected, you’ll be embedded in a world-class newsroom, where you’ll write the code that exposes the data that tells important stories, both as they happen and for longer-term feature articles.

Want to know more? Dan Sinker profiles current Fellows, who share what’s exciting about developing code in a newsroom. Dan also talks about two current Fellows who got bylines on their work on the same day. Erika Owens describes the types of people who might want to do this: hackers, adventurers, international developers, techie activists, etc.

Of course, journalism is deadline-driven, and the deadline to apply for a Fellowship is coming up fast: August 11. Besides providing your contact and portfolio info, you’ll need to answer five questions and describe three projects you’ve worked on. Get started on your application, so this deadline doesn’t just make a whooshing sound as it flies by.