Testing Strategies for React and Redux

When the Firefox Add-ons team ported addons.mozilla.org to a single page app backed by an API, we chose React and Redux for powerful state management, delightful developer tools, and testability. Achieving the testability part isn’t completely obvious since there are competing tools and techniques.

Below are some testing strategies that are working really well for us.

Testing must be fast and effective

We want our tests to be lightning fast so that we can ship high-quality features quickly and without discouragement. Waiting for tests can be discouraging, yet tests are crucial for preventing regressions, especially while restructuring an application to support new features.

Our strategy is to only test what’s necessary and only test it once. To achieve this we test each unit in isolation, faking out its dependencies. This is a technique known as unit testing and in our case, the unit is typically a single React component.

Unfortunately, it’s very difficult to do this safely in a dynamic language such as JavaScript since there is no fast way to make sure the fake objects are in sync with real ones. To solve this, we rely on the safety of static typing (via Flow) to alert us if one component is using another incorrectly — something a unit test might not catch.

A suite of unit tests combined with static type analysis is very fast and effective. We use Jest because it too is fast, and because it lets us focus on a subset of tests when needed.

Testing Redux connected components

The dangers of testing in isolation within a dynamic language are not entirely alleviated by static types, especially since third-party libraries often do not ship with type definitions (creating them from scratch is cumbersome). Also, Redux-connected components are hard to isolate because they depend on Redux functionality to keep their properties in sync with state. We settled on a strategy where we trigger all state changes with a real Redux store. Redux is crucial to how our application runs in the real world so this makes our tests very effective.

As it turns out, testing with a real Redux store is fast. The design of Redux lends itself very well to testing due to how actions, reducers, and state are decoupled from one another. The tests give the right feedback as we make changes to application state. This also makes it feel like a good fit for testing. Aside from testing, the Redux architecture is great for debugging, scaling, and especially development.

Consider this connected component as an example: (For brevity, the examples in this article do not define Flow types but you can learn about how to do that here.)

import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { compose } from 'redux';

// Define a functional React component.
export function UserProfileBase(props) {
  return (

// Define a function to map Redux state to properties.
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
  return { user: state.users[ownProps.userId] };

// Export the final UserProfile component composed of
// a state mapper function.
export default compose(

You may be tempted to test this by passing in a synthesized user property but that would bypass Redux and all of your state mapping logic. Instead, we test by dispatching a real action to load the user into state and make assertions about what the connected component rendered.

import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import UserProfile from 'src/UserProfile';

describe('<UserProfile>', () => {
  it('renders a name', () => {
    const store = createNormalReduxStore();
    // Simulate fetching a user from an API and loading it into state.
    store.dispatch(actions.loadUser({ userId: 1, name: 'Kumar' }));

    // Render with a user ID so it can retrieve the user from state.
    const root = mount(<UserProfile userId={1} store={store} />);


Rendering the full component with Enzyme’s mount() makes sure mapStateToProps() is working and that the reducer did what this specific component expected. It simulates what would happen if the real application requested a user from the API and dispatched the result. However, since mount() renders all components including nested components, it doesn’t allow us to test UserProfile in isolation. For that we need a different approach using shallow rendering, explained below.

Shallow rendering for dependency injection

Let’s say the UserProfile component depends on a UserAvatar component to display the user’s photo. It might look like this:

export function UserProfileBase(props) {
  const { user } = props;
  return (
      <UserAvatar url={user.avatarURL} />

Since UserAvatar will have unit tests of its own, the UserProfile test just has to make sure it calls the interface of UserAvatar correctly. What is its interface? The interface to any React component is simply its properties. Flow helps to validate property data types but we also need tests to check the data values.

With Enzyme, we don’t have to replace dependencies with fakes in a traditional dependency injection sense. We can simply infer their existence through shallow rendering. A test would look something like this:

import UserProfile, { UserProfileBase } from 'src/UserProfile';
import UserAvatar from 'src/UserAvatar';
import { shallowUntilTarget } from './helpers';

describe('<UserProfile>', () => {
  it('renders a UserAvatar', () => {
    const user = {
      userId: 1, avatarURL: 'https://cdn/image.png',

    const root = shallowUntilTarget(
      <UserProfile userId={1} store={store} />,


Instead of calling mount(), this test renders the component using a custom helper called shallowUntilTarget(). You may already be familiar with Enzyme’s shallow() but that only renders the first component in a tree. We needed to create a helper called shallowUntilTarget() that will render all “wrapper” (or higher order) components until reaching our target, UserProfileBase.

Hopefully Enzyme will ship a feature similar to shallowUntilTarget() soon, but the implementation is simple. It calls root.dive() in a loop until root.is(TargetComponent) returns true.

With this shallow rendering approach, it is now possible to test UserProfile in isolation yet still dispatch Redux actions like a real application.

The test looks for the UserAvatar component in the tree and simply makes sure UserAvatar will receive the correct properties (the render() function of UserAvatar is never executed). If the properties of UserAvatar change and we forget to update the test, the test might still pass, but Flow will alert us about the violation.

The elegance of both React and shallow rendering just gave us dependency injection for free, without having to inject any dependencies! The key to this testing strategy is that the implementation of UserAvatar is free to evolve on its own in a way that won’t break the UserProfile tests. If changing the implementation of a unit forces you to fix a bunch of unrelated tests, it’s a sign that your testing strategy may need rethinking.

Composing with children, not properties

The power of React and shallow rendering really come into focus when you compose components using children instead of passing JSX via properties. For example, let’s say you wanted to wrap UserAvatar in a common InfoCard for layout purposes. Here’s how to compose them together as children:

export function UserProfileBase(props) {
  const { user } = props;
  return (
        <UserAvatar url={user.avatarURL} />

After making this change, the same assertion from above will still work! Here it is again:


In some cases, you may be tempted to pass JSX through properties instead of through children. However, common Enzyme selectors like root.find(UserAvatar) would no longer work. Let’s look at an example of passing UserAvatar to InfoCard through a content property:

export function UserProfileBase(props) {
  const { user } = props;
  const avatar = <UserAvatar url={user.avatarURL} />;
  return (
      <InfoCard content={avatar} />

This is still a valid implementation but it’s not as easy to test.

Testing JSX passed through properties

Sometimes you really can’t avoid passing JSX through properties. Let’s imagine that InfoCard needs full control over rendering some header content.

export function UserProfileBase(props) {
  const { user } = props;
  return (
      <InfoCard header={<Localized>Avatar</Localized>}>
        <UserAvatar url={user.avatarURL} />

How would you test this? You might be tempted to do a full Enzyme mount() as opposed to a shallow() render. You might think it will provide you with better test coverage but that additional coverage is not necessary — the InfoCard component will already have tests of its own. The UserProfile test just needs to make sure InfoCard gets the right properties. Here’s how to test that.

import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import InfoCard from 'src/InfoCard';
import Localized from 'src/Localized';
import { shallowUntilTarget } from './helpers';

describe('<UserProfile>', () => {
  it('renders an InfoCard with a custom header', () => {
    const user = {
      userId: 1, avatarURL: 'https://cdn/image.png',

    const root = shallowUntilTarget(
      <UserProfile userId={1} store={store} />,

    const infoCard = root.find(InfoCard);

    // Simulate how InfoCard will render the
    // header property we passed to it.
    const header = shallow(

    // Now you can make assertions about the content:

This is better than a full mount() because it allows the InfoCard implementation to evolve freely so long as its properties don’t change.

Testing component callbacks

Aside from passing JSX through properties, it’s also common to pass callbacks to React components. Callback properties make it very easy to build abstractions around common functionality. Let’s imagine we are using a FormOverlay component to render an edit form in a UserProfileManager component.

import FormOverlay from 'src/FormOverlay';

export class UserProfileManagerBase extends React.Component {
  onSubmit = () => {
    // Pretend that the inputs are controlled form elements and
    // their values have already been connected to this.state.

  render() {
    return (
      <FormOverlay onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
        <input id="nameInput" name="name" />

// Export the final UserProfileManager component.
export default compose(
  // Use connect() from react-redux to get props.dispatch()

How do you test the integration of UserProfileManager with FormOverlay? You might be tempted once again to do a full mount(), especially if you’re testing integration with a third-party component, something like Autosuggest. However, a full mount() is not necessary.

Just like in previous examples, the UserProfileManager test can simply check the properties passed to FormOverlay. This is safe because FormOverlay will have tests of its own and Flow will validate the properties. Here is an example of testing the onSubmit property.

import FormOverlay from 'src/FormOverlay';
import { shallowUntilTarget } from './helpers';

describe('<UserProfileManager>', () => {
  it('updates user information', () => {
    const store = createNormalReduxStore();
    // Create a spy of the dispatch() method for test assertions.
    const dispatchSpy = sinon.spy(store, 'dispatch');

    const root = shallowUntilTarget(
      <UserProfileManager store={store} />,

    // Simulate typing text into the name input.
    const name = 'Faye';
    const changeEvent = {
      target: { name: 'name', value: name },
    root.find('#nameInput').simulate('change', changeEvent);

    const formOverlay = root.find(FormOverlay);

    // Simulate how FormOverlay will invoke the onSubmit property.
    const onSubmit = formOverlay.prop('onSubmit');

    // Make sure onSubmit dispatched the correct ation.
    const expectedAction = actions.updateUser({ name });
    sinon.assertCalledWith(dispatchSpy, expectedAction);

This tests the integration of UserProfileManager and FormOverlay without relying on the implementation of FormOverlay. It uses sinon to spy on the store.dispatch() method to make sure the correct action is dispatched when the user invokes onSubmit().

Every change starts with a Redux action

The Redux architecture is simple: when you want to change application state, dispatch an action. In the last example of testing the onSubmit() callback, the test simply asserted a dispatch of actions.updateUser(...). That’s it. This test assumes that once the updateUser() action is dispatched, everything will fall into place.

So how would an application like ours actually update the user? We would connect a saga to the action type. The updateUser() saga would be responsible for making a request to the API and dispatching further actions when receiving a response. The saga itself will have unit tests of its own. Since the UserProfileManager test runs without any sagas, we don’t have to worry about mocking out the saga functionality. This architecture makes testing very easy; something like redux-thunk may offer similar benefits.


These examples illustrate patterns that work really well at addons.mozilla.org for solving common testing problems. Here is a recap of the concepts:

  • We dispatch real Redux actions to test application state changes.
  • We test each component only once using shallow rendering.
  • We resist full DOM rendering (with mount()) as much as possible.
  • We test component integration by checking properties.
  • Static typing helps validate our component properties.
  • We simulate user events and make assertions about what action was dispatched.

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About kumar303

Kumar hacks on Mozilla web services and tools for various projects, such as those supporting Firefox Add-ons. He hacks on lots of random open source projects too.

More articles by kumar303…

One comment

  1. Gabriel Micko

    Awesome post, thank you!

    April 24th, 2018 at 13:16

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