Go beyond console.log with the Firefox Debugger

console.log is no debugger. It’s great for figuring out what your JavaScript app is up to, but it’s limited to spitting out a minimal amount of information. If your code is complex, you’ll need a proper debugger. That’s why we’ve added a new section to the Firefox DevTools Playground that’s all about debugging. We’ve built four basic lessons that use the Firefox Debugger to examine and repair a simple JavaScript to-do app.

Introducing the Debugger Playground

The lessons are completely free and the to-do app code is available for download from GitHub.

These lessons are a new format for us and we’re very excited to bring them to you. We’re always looking for new ways to help developers learn things and improve the daily workflow. If you have an idea, let us know. We’ll be expanding the Playground in the coming months and we’d love to hear from developers like you.

If you’re not familiar with the Firefox Debugger, take a look at the debugger docs on MDN and watch this quick intro video:

Now let’s take a look at a lesson from the new Debugger Playground. Ever use console.log to find the value of a variable? There’s an easier and more accurate way to do this with the Debugger.

Use Debugger to find the value of a variable

It’s much easier to find a variable with Firefox Debugger than it is with console.log. Here’s how it works:

Let’s take a look at a simple to-do app. Open the to-do app in new tab.

This app has a function called addTodo which will take the value of the input form, create an object, and then push that object onto an array of tasks. Let’s test it out by adding a new task. You’d expect to have this new task added to the list, but instead you see “[object HTMLInputElement]”.

Something is broken, and we need to debug the code. The temptation is to start adding console.log throughout the function, to pinpoint where the problem is. The approach might look something like this:

const addTodo = e => {
 const title = document.querySelector(".todo__input");
 console.log('title is: ', title);
 const todo = { title };
 console.log('todo is: ', todo');

 console.log(‘The updated to-do list is: ‘, items);

This can work, but it is cumbersome and awkward. We also have to remember to remove these lines after fixing the code. There’s a much better way to do it with the Debugger using what is called a breakpoint…

Learn more on the Debugger Playground

The Debugger Playground covers the basics of using the Firefox Debugger, examining the call stack, setting conditional breakpoints, and more. We know there’s a steep learning curve to using the Debugger (and debugging JavaScript), so we’ve pieced together a simple to-do app that’s easy to understand and decode. It’s also useful to run in your browser to keep things on track throughout your work day. The app is available here for download on GitHub. Grab it and then head over to the Playground to walk through the lessons there.

Let us know what you’d like to see next. We’re working on new lessons about the latest web technologies and we’d love to hear from you. Post in the comments below.

About Dustin Driver

Journalist, tech writer, and video producer helping Mozilla keep the Web open and accessible for everyone.

More articles by Dustin Driver…


  1. LesMurphy

    The playground/debugger site content has an error. It says to use Option CTRL S to open debugger. The correct sequence is CTRL+SHIFT+S

    November 9th, 2017 at 09:38

    1. Dustin Driver

      Thanks Les! We’ll get it fixed right away.

      November 13th, 2017 at 07:55

  2. Chris Edwards

    All these browser developer tools are becoming increasingly in-depth & advanced, but they are really useless without clear instructions on how to use them properly. So, thank you Dustin (and your Mozilla team) for taking the time & effort to put these helpful articles & videos together for everyone.

    November 9th, 2017 at 10:01

  3. Richard

    Glad to see a gentle intro to the debugger, great idea, thank you Dustin.

    There is no authorship indicated on the Playground Debugger articles. To whom should questions and comments be addressed? For example, on the “Introduction” page, the “format minified code” hot tip does not appear to work, and I wanted to provide feedback.


    November 10th, 2017 at 06:01

    1. Dustin Driver

      Hi Richard, thanks! You can submit a bug via Git with your feedback for the minified code hot tip.

      November 13th, 2017 at 07:53

  4. James

    You’ve got a little typo in

    Console.log(‘todo is’, todo’);

    Which breaks the linting .

    ✌ peace.

    November 10th, 2017 at 18:31

    1. Dustin Driver

      Thanks James!

      November 13th, 2017 at 07:55

  5. Jeremy Walton

    Unfortunately, I’ve found the javascript debugger completely flaky. For example, any substantial web app will confuse it after some “random” time. I’ve had after an hour of work, that it will do anything from completely ignoring breakpoints, it breaking on breakpoints that were removed (removed all break points), to the debugger reporting completely wrong values to variables (stepping through code console.log prints something different than what the debugger shows).

    After restarting firefox, it starts working normally, and then will repeat the above after a time. I mean, literally with NO javascript changes, restarting firefox makes the debugger report things correctly.

    November 17th, 2017 at 10:26

  6. Jason Laster

    Hi Jeremy, Thanks for using the debugger and sharing your feedback. I’m an engineer on the team and am working on quality improvements at the moment :)

    We’re working in Github and would love some specific bugs if you can find reproducible cases. In the general case, I think you’ll find Firefox 58 to be more stable and are working hard to pin down some of the other issues as well.

    Also, always happy to jump on a google hangout and see some of the issues your running into.


    November 21st, 2017 at 15:05

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