ES6 In Depth: Arrow functions

ES6 In Depth is a series on new features being added to the JavaScript programming language in the 6th Edition of the ECMAScript standard, ES6 for short.

Arrows have been part of JavaScript from the very beginning. The first JavaScript tutorials advised wrapping inline scripts in HTML comments. This would prevent browsers that didn’t support JS from erroneously displaying your JS code as text. You would write something like this:

<script language="javascript">
  document.bgColor = "brown";  // red
// -->

Old browsers would see two unsupported tags and a comment; only new browsers would see JS code.

To support this odd hack, the JavaScript engine in your browser treats the characters <!-- as the start of a one-line comment. No joke. This has really been part of the language all along, and it works to this day, not just at the top of an inline <script> but everywhere in JS code. It even works in Node.

As it happens, this style of comment is standardized for the first time in ES6. But this isn’t the arrow we’re here to talk about.

The arrow sequence --> also denotes a one-line comment. Weirdly, while in HTML characters before the --> are part of the comment, in JS the rest of the line after the --> is a comment.

It gets stranger. This arrow indicates a comment only when it appears at the start of a line. That’s because in other contexts, --> is an operator in JS, the “goes to” operator!

function countdown(n) {
  while (n --> 0)  // "n goes to zero"

This code really works. The loop runs until n gets to 0. This too is not a new feature in ES6, but a combination of familiar features, with a little misdirection thrown in. Can you figure out what’s going on here? As usual, the answer to the puzzle can be found on Stack Overflow.

Of course there is also the less-than-or-equal-to operator, <=. Perhaps you can find more arrows in your JS code, Hidden Pictures style, but let’s stop here and observe that an arrow is missing.

<!-- single-line comment
--> “goes to” operator
<= less than or equal to
=> ???

What happened to =>? Today, we find out.

First, let’s talk a bit about functions.

Function expressions are everywhere

A fun feature of JavaScript is that any time you need a function, you can just type that function right in the middle of running code.

For example, suppose you are trying to tell the browser what to do when the user clicks on a particular button. You start typing:


jQuery’s .click() method takes one argument: a function. No problem. You can just type in a function right here:

$("#confetti-btn").click(function (event) {

Writing code like this comes quite naturally to us now. So it’s strange to recall that before JavaScript popularized this kind of programming, many languages did not have this feature. Of course Lisp had function expressions, also called lambda functions, in 1958. But C++, Python, C#, and Java all existed for years without them.

Not anymore. All four have lambdas now. Newer languages universally have lambdas built in. We have JavaScript to thank for this—and early JavaScript programmers who fearlessly built libraries that depended heavily on lambdas, leading to widespread adoption of the feature.

It is just slightly sad, then, that of all the languages I’ve mentioned, JavaScript’s syntax for lambdas has turned out to be the wordiest.

// A very simple function in six languages.
function (a) { return a > 0; } // JS
[](int a) { return a > 0; }  // C++
(lambda (a) (> a 0))  ;; Lisp
lambda a: a > 0  # Python
a => a > 0  // C#
a -> a > 0  // Java

A new arrow in your quiver

ES6 introduces a new syntax for writing functions.

// ES5
var selected = allJobs.filter(<strong>function (job) {
  return job.isSelected();

// ES6
var selected = allJobs.filter(<strong>job => job.isSelected()</strong>);

When you just need a simple function with one argument, the new arrow function syntax is simply <i>Identifier</i> => <i>Expression</i>. You get to skip typing function and return, as well as some parentheses, braces, and a semicolon.

(I am personally very grateful for this feature. Not having to type function is important to me, because I inevitably type functoin instead and have to go back and correct it.)

To write a function with multiple arguments (or no arguments, or rest parameters or defaults, or a destructuring argument) you’ll need to add parentheses around the argument list.

// ES5
var total = values.reduce(<strong>function (a, b) {
  return a + b;
}</strong>, 0);

// ES6
var total = values.reduce(<strong>(a, b) => a + b</strong>, 0);

I think it looks pretty nice.

Arrow functions work just as beautifully with functional tools provided by libraries, like Underscore.js and Immutable. In fact, the examples in Immutable’s documentation are all written in ES6, so many of them already use arrow functions.

What about not-so-functional settings? Arrow functions can contain a block of statements instead of just an expression. Recall our earlier example:

// ES5
$("#confetti-btn").click(<strong>function (event)</strong> {

Here’s how it will look in ES6:

// ES6
$("#confetti-btn").click(<strong>event =></strong> {

A minor improvement. The effect on code using Promises can be more dramatic, as the }).then(function (result) { lines can pile up.

Note that an arrow function with a block body does not automatically return a value. Use a return statement for that.

There is one caveat when using arrow functions to create plain objects. Always wrap the object in parentheses:

// create a new empty object for each puppy to play with
var chewToys = => {});   // BUG!
var chewToys = => ({})); // ok

Unfortunately, an empty object {} and an empty block {} look exactly the same. The rule in ES6 is that { immediately following an arrow is always treated as the start of a block, never the start of an object. The code puppy => {} is therefore silently interpreted as an arrow function that does nothing and returns undefined.

Even more confusing, an object literal like {key: value} looks exactly like a block containing a labeled statement—at least, that’s how it looks to your JavaScript engine. Fortunately { is the only ambiguous character, so wrapping object literals in parentheses is the only trick you need to remember.

What’s this?

There is one subtle difference in behavior between ordinary function functions and arrow functions. Arrow functions do not have their own this value. The value of this inside an arrow function is always inherited from the enclosing scope.

Before we try and figure out what that means in practice, let’s back up a bit.

How does this work in JavaScript? Where does its value come from? There’s no short answer. If it seems simple in your head, it’s because you’ve been dealing with it for a long time!

One reason this question comes up so often is that function functions receive a this value automatically, whether they want one or not. Have you ever written this hack?

  addAll: function addAll(pieces) {
    var self = this;
    _.each(pieces, function (piece) {

Here, what you’d like to write in the inner function is just this.add(piece). Unfortunately, the inner function doesn’t inherit the outer function’s this value. Inside the inner function, this will be window or undefined. The temporary variable self serves to smuggle the outer value of this into the inner function. (Another way is to use .bind(this) on the inner function. Neither way is particularly pretty.)

In ES6, this hacks mostly go away if you follow these rules:

  • Use non-arrow functions for methods that will be called using the object.method() syntax. Those are the functions that will receive a meaningful this value from their caller.
  • Use arrow functions for everything else.
// ES6
  addAll: function addAll(pieces) {
    _.each(pieces, piece => this.add(piece));

In the ES6 version, note that the addAll method receives this from its caller. The inner function is an arrow function, so it inherits this from the enclosing scope.

As a bonus, ES6 also provides a shorter way to write methods in object literals! So the code above can be simplified further:

// ES6 with method syntax
  addAll(pieces) {
    _.each(pieces, piece => this.add(piece));

Between methods and arrows, I might never type functoin again. It’s a nice thought.

There’s one more minor difference between arrow and non-arrow functions: arrow functions don’t get their own arguments object, either. Of course, in ES6, you’d probably rather use a rest parameter or default value anyway.

Using arrows to pierce the dark heart of computer science

We’ve talked about the many practical uses of arrow functions. There’s one more possible use case I’d like to talk about: ES6 arrow functions as a learning tool, to uncover something deep about the nature of computation. Whether that is practical or not, you’ll have to decide for yourself.

In 1936, Alonzo Church and Alan Turing independently developed powerful mathematical models of computation. Turing called his model a-machines, but everyone instantly started calling them Turing machines. Church wrote instead about functions. His model was called the λ-calculus. (λ is the lowercase Greek letter lambda.) This work was the reason Lisp used the word LAMBDA to denote functions, which is why we call function expressions “lambdas” today.

But what is the λ-calculus? What is “model of computation” supposed to mean?

It’s hard to explain in just a few words, but here is my attempt: the λ-calculus is one of the first programming languages. It was not designed to be a programming language—after all, stored-program computers wouldn’t come along for another decade or two—but rather a ruthlessly simple, stripped-down, purely mathematical idea of a language that could express any kind of computation you wished to do. Church wanted this model in order to prove things about computation in general.

And he found that he only needed one thing in his system: functions.

Think how extraordinary this claim is. Without objects, without arrays, without numbers, without if statements, while loops, semicolons, assignment, logical operators, or an event loop, it is possible to rebuild every kind of computation JavaScript can do, from scratch, using only functions.

Here is an example of the sort of “program” a mathematician could write, using Church’s λ notation:

fix = λf.(λx.f(λv.x(x)(v)))(λx.f(λv.x(x)(v)))

The equivalent JavaScript function looks like this:

var fix = f => (x => f(v => x(x)(v)))
               (x => f(v => x(x)(v)));

That is, JavaScript contains an implementation of the λ-calculus that actually runs. The λ-calculus is in JavaScript.

The stories of what Alonzo Church and later researchers did with the λ-calculus, and how it has quietly insinuated itself into almost every major programming language, are beyond the scope of this blog post. But if you’re interested in the foundations of computer science, or you’d just like to see how a language with nothing but functions can do things like loops and recursion, you could do worse than to spend some rainy afternoon looking into Church numerals and fixed-point combinators, and playing with them in your Firefox console or Scratchpad. With ES6 arrows on top of its other strengths, JavaScript can reasonably claim to be the best language for exploring the λ-calculus.

When can I use arrows?

ES6 arrow functions were implemented in Firefox by me, back in 2013. Jan de Mooij made them fast. Thanks to Tooru Fujisawa and ziyunfei for patches.

Arrow functions are also implemented in the Microsoft Edge preview release. They’re also available in Babel, Traceur, and TypeScript, in case you’re interested in using them on the Web right now.

Our next topic is one of the stranger features in ES6. We’ll get to see typeof x return a totally new value. We’ll ask: When is a name not a string? We’ll puzzle over the meaning of equality. It’ll be weird. So please join us next week as we look at ES6 symbols in depth.

About Jason Orendorff

More articles by Jason Orendorff…


  1. Kyle Simpson

    I think there are several things about arrow functions not mentioned here that should have been.

    1. all the new ES6 parameter forms, like default values, destructuring, rest params, etc… all those force you to use ( ) around the param list, even if only using the one param.

    2. arrow functions are anonymous, which means that you won’t have a self-bound lexical identifier to self-reference, for recursion, event handler unbinding, etc. Yes, ES6 has “name inference”, but that only assigns an internal .name property to the function object — it provides no lexical relief.

    Mixed in with a tad bit of light-hearted, well-meaning sarcasm, I’ve put all the decision paths for arrows into this flow chart:

    June 4th, 2015 at 17:34

    1. Simeon Vincent

      FWIW, I’m not wild about the extreme-minimal syntax. As the flowchart says x = y => y; isn’t the most readable.

      That said, I *do* find x = (y) => { return y; }; to be quite clear. Especially when used in callbacks or promises.

      .then((resp) => {
      return resp.prop;
      .catch((err) => {

      June 4th, 2015 at 23:31

      1. john

        x = (y) => { return y; };

        How is that clear? I haven’t read the article yet (yes, I’m reading the comments first ;-) But this is the first time I can remember seeing some javascript that I can’t immediately understand. I read this as some variable x is equal the some variable y (though I’m not sure what the parens around the y means), and x and y are equal to or greater than a function that returns y. What? That is anything but clear.

        June 12th, 2015 at 09:51

        1. Bergo

          Comparison is `>=`/“ :-)

          June 23rd, 2015 at 20:31

          1. Bergi

            Ah, html syntax in comments. I meant to write

            Comparison is >=/<=, not => :-)

            June 24th, 2015 at 09:59

      2. Bergi

        Uh, clearly
        promise.then(resp => resp.prop).catch(console.error)
        is much more readable than lengthy function expressions?

        June 23rd, 2015 at 20:30

  2. Blaise Kal

    You can find a detailed browser/platform support table here:

    June 5th, 2015 at 01:40

  3. Julian Lamb

    Jason, your ES6 in Depth articles are fantastic. Keep up the good work!

    June 5th, 2015 at 14:26

  4. Karthick Siva

    Thanks for the great post, jason.

    “There’s one more minor difference between arrow and non-arrow functions: arrow functions don’t get their own arguments object, either.”

    why? can you elaborate on this?

    June 6th, 2015 at 05:55

    1. rbzl

      Because ‘arguments’ is also lexically bound like ‘this’

      June 7th, 2015 at 04:35

    2. Jason Orendorff

      The standard makes arrow functions inherit as much stuff as possible from the enclosing context.

      That rule covers both `this` and `arguments`, and also a few other values having to do with subclassing, which we’ll cover later on: `` and the value used by `super`. Ordinary functions and methods have their own values for all of these; arrow functions inherit all of them from context.

      June 7th, 2015 at 05:08

  5. Keith

    Hmmm… I’ve never heard of the “goes to” operator (–>).

    Could it be that n –> 0 is really just n– > 0 (n minus minus is greater than zero)?

    June 7th, 2015 at 10:52

    1. Jason Orendorff

      It sure is. (That’s the “misdirection” the article refers to; if you click through to the StackOverflow answer, all is revealed.)

      June 8th, 2015 at 13:08

  6. Karthick Siva

    That clarifies my doubt. Thanks, looking forward to the future post.

    June 7th, 2015 at 21:03

  7. Mörre Noseshine

    > It is just slightly sad, then, that of all the languages I’ve mentioned, JavaScript’s syntax for lambdas has turned out to be the wordiest.

    I find it quite funny how different and often opposing forces are working on Javascript at the same time, and both succeeding too: On the one hand there is the faction that is annoyed by every single letter they have to type. On the other hand are the people who write the APIs, who are from the camp that wants have a complete description of what a function is doing right in its name, like URL.createObjectURL, getElementsByClassName, addEventLIstener etc. So the core language reduces character count to a minimum, but the APIs have been and still are going the opposite direction.

    Personally, I’m in the middle. I find “pure math” syntax where every letter counts and has great meaning as in Church’s lambda notation example in the article above quite tiring to parse (“by head”), but having source code with all those looooooong names for often-used trivial functionality equally so.

    June 11th, 2015 at 05:13

    1. thinsoldier

      The DOM Api isn’t exactly the same as the language. You can manipulate a DOM with php or python and you have to use the same api names in php or python as well (getElementsByClassName, etc) because it is an implementation of the DOM Standard.

      June 11th, 2015 at 11:55

      1. Mörre Noseshine

        > The DOM Api isn’t exactly the same as the language.

        I did not claim it was. I am well aware of the difference. Thank you for the free education in basic web dev. I’m also eager to learn about multiplication of natural numbers, I hope to master that at some point in the future…

        June 11th, 2015 at 12:07

    2. Kyle Simpson


      I think your point about long API names is valid, but may I suggest some from the actual JS language itself, instead of the ones you listed which are actually from other standards bodies. I think it makes your point more effectively:


      June 12th, 2015 at 11:02

  8. Mörre Noseshine

    @Kyle Yes, thanks! While I’m aware (as I said above, a little miffed) that one is DOM the other one is JS I don’t really care *who* is responsible (I didn’t assign any “blame”, I think?), my point was what we are effectively seeing. In my code calls to DOM manipulating functions (which are not limited to the browser side), or “original JS” functions, or that of any other APIs incl. npm installed modules and other libs, all look the same and are happily mixed.

    My point was to point – without clear intention – to that strange mix of extreme brevity and very verbose function names all in one code.

    Okay, maybe my point was that pointing out that “here we can save 5 characters!” is not exactly relevant in practice. I think to remember that Douglas Crockford pointed out in one of his wonderful videos about Javascript, as an aside, that a lot of developers spend a lot of effort to save a few keystrokes when actually typing code is the least time spent during coding.

    June 12th, 2015 at 11:19

    1. Jason Orendorff

      This is a basically reasonable objection. When is brevity worth this kind of effort?

      Consider Smalltalk or Ruby. These would be totally different and very visually cluttered languages if blocks were written with some 17 extra characters each, right? They would be difficult to read and unpleasant to use.

      JavaScript is becoming just such a language. Function expressions are used for array processing, attaching code to user input events, I/O, loosely-coupled communication among parts within an app, asynchronous control flow, and more, and it’s just beginning. Function expressions are everywhere. They should have syntax that’s appropriate to the way they’re being used.

      June 16th, 2015 at 05:10

  9. Bergi

    Nitpick: Your `this` example isn’t the best. We don’t want to use Underscore’s `_.each` any more!
    ES5 code:
    pieces.forEach(this.add, this);
    ES6 code:
    for (let piece of pieces) this.add(piece);

    Maybe you could use an event listener, like
    this.el.onclick = e => this.add(e.timestamp);
    or so

    June 23rd, 2015 at 20:39

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