Birdsongs, Musique Concrète, and the Web Audio API

In January 2015, my friend and collaborator Brian Belet and I presented Oiseaux de Même — an audio soundscape app created from recordings of birds — at the first Web Audio Conference. In this post I’d like to describe my experience of implementing this app using the Web Audio API, Twitter Bootstrap, Node.js, and REST APIs.

Screenshot showing Birds of a Feather, a soundscape created with field recordings of birds that are being seen in your vicinity.

Screenshot showing Birds of a Feather, a soundscape created with field recordings of birds that are being seen in your vicinity.

What is it? Musique Concrète and citizen science

We wanted to create a web-based Musique Concrète, building an artistic sound experience by processing field recordings. We decided to use xeno-canto — a library of over 200,000 recordings of 9,000 different bird species — as our source of recordings. Almost all the recordings are licensed under Creative Commons by their generous recordists. We select recordings from this library based on data from eBird, a database of tens of millions of bird sightings contributed by bird watchers everywhere. By using the Geolocation API to retrieve eBird sightings near to the listeners’ location, our soundscape can consist of recordings of bird species that bird watchers have reported recently near the listener — each user gets a personalized soundscape that changes daily.

Use of the Web Audio API

We use the browser’s Web Audio API to play back the sounds from xeno-canto. The Web Audio API allows developers to play back, record, analyze, and process sound by creating AudioNodes that are connected together, like an old modular synthesizer.

Our soundscape is implemented using four AudioBuffer nodes, each of which plays a field recording in a loop. These loops are placed in a stereo field using Panner nodes, and mixed together before being sent to the listener’s speakers or headphones.


After all the sounds have loaded and begin playing, we offer users several controls for manipulating the sounds as they play:

  • The Pan button randomizes the spatial location of the sound in 3D space.
  • The Rate button randomizes the playback rate.
  • The Reverse button reverses the direction of sound playback.
  • Finally, the Share button lets you capture the state of the soundscape and save that snapshot for later.

The controls described above are implemented as typical JavaScript event handlers. When the Pan button is pressed, for example, we run this handler:

// sets the X,Y,Z position of the Panner to random values between -1 and +1
BirdSongPlayer.prototype.randomizePanner = function() {
  // NOTE: x = -1 is LEFT
  this.panPosition = { x: 2 * Math.random() - 1, y: 2 * Math.random() - 1, z: 2 * Math.random() - 1}
  this.panner.setPosition( this.panPosition.x, this.panPosition.y, this.panPosition.z);

Some parts of the Web Audio API are write-only

I had a few minor issues where I had to work around shortcomings in the Web Audio API. Other authors have already documented similar experiences; I’ll summarize mine briefly here:

  • Can’t read Panner position: In the event handler for the Share button, I want to retrieve and store the current Audio Buffer playback rate and Panner position. However, the current Panner node does not allow retrieval of the position after setting it. Hence, I store the new Panner position in an instance variable in addition to calling setPosition().

    This has had a minimal impact on my code so far. My longer-term concern is that I’d rather store the position in the Panner and retrieve it from there, instead of storing a copy elsewhere. In my experience, multiple copies of the same information becomes a readability and maintainability problem as code grows bigger and more complex.

  • Can’t read AudioBuffer’s playbackRate: The Rate button described above calls linearRampToValueAtTime() on the playbackRate AudioParam. As far as I can tell, AudioParams don’t let me retrieve their values after calling linearRampToValueAtTime(), so I’m obliged to keep a duplicate copy of this value in my JS object.
  • Can’t read AudioBuffer playback position: I’d like to show the user the current playback position for each of my sound loops, but the API doesn’t provide this information. Could I compute it myself? Unfortunately, after a few iterations of ramping an AudioBuffer’s playbackRate between random values, it is very difficult to compute the current playback position within the buffer. Unlike some API users, I don’t need a highly accurate position, I just want to visualize for my users when the current sound loop restarts.

Debugging with the Web Audio inspector

Firefox’s Web Audio inspector shows how Audio Nodes are connected to one another.

Firefox’s Web Audio inspector shows how Audio Nodes are connected to one another.

I had great success using Firefox’s Web Audio inspector to watch my Audio Nodes being created and interconnected as my code runs.

In the screenshot above, you can see the four AudioBufferSources, each feeding through a GainNode and PannerNode before being summed by an AudioDestination. Note that each recording is also connected to an AnalyzerNode; the Analyzers are used to create the scrolling amplitude graphs for each loop.

Visualizing sound loops

As the soundscape evolves, users often want to know which bird species is responsible for a particular sound they hear in the mix. We use a scrolling visualization for each loop that shows instantaneous amplitude, creating distinctive shapes you can correlate with what you’re hearing. The visualization uses the Analyzer node to perform a fast Fourier transform (FFT) on the sound, which yields the amplitude of the sound at every frequency. We compute the average of all those amplitudes, and then draw that amplitude at the right edge of a Canvas. As the contents of the Canvas shift sideways on every animation frame, the result is a horizontally scrolling amplitude graph.

BirdSongPlayer.prototype.initializeVUMeter = function() {
  // set up VU meter
  var myAnalyser = this.analyser;
  var volumeMeterCanvas = $(this.playerSelector).find('canvas')[0];
  var graphicsContext = volumeMeterCanvas.getContext('2d');
  var previousVolume = 0;

  requestAnimationFrame(function vuMeter() {
    // get the average, bincount is fftsize / 2
    var array =  new Uint8Array(myAnalyser.frequencyBinCount);
    var average = getAverageVolume(array);
    average = Math.max(Math.min(average, 128), 0);

    // draw the rightmost line in black right before shifting
    graphicsContext.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,0,0)'
    graphicsContext.fillRect(258, 128 - previousVolume, 2, previousVolume);

    // shift the drawing over one pixel
    graphicsContext.drawImage(volumeMeterCanvas, -1, 0);

    // clear the rightmost column state
    graphicsContext.fillStyle = 'rgb(245,245,245)'
    graphicsContext.fillRect(259, 0, 1, 130);

    // set the fill style for the last line (matches bootstrap button)
    graphicsContext.fillStyle = '#5BC0DE'
    graphicsContext.fillRect(258, 128 - average, 2, average);

    previousVolume = average;

What’s next

I’m continuing to work on cleaning up my JavaScript code for this project. I have several user interface improvements suggested by my Mozillia colleagues that I’d like to try. And Prof. Belet and I are considering what other sources of geotagged sounds we can use to make more soundscapes with. In the meantime, please try Oiseaux de Même for yourself and let us know what you think!


  1. Bill Walker

    If you ran into trouble with the link in the first paragraph, please try again — I had a server problem I’ve since corrected.

    February 26th, 2015 at 18:54

    1. shavounet

      Hello, I still can’t access it ! I land on where connexion fails

      February 27th, 2015 at 00:39

      1. Havi Hoffman [Editor]

        @shavounet I’m listening to birdsong now in the morning (PST). Hope you were able to connect.

        February 27th, 2015 at 08:19

      2. Bill Walker

        I am having server problems, I’ve filed this issue while I’m investigating

        please try again! thanks, -Bill

        February 27th, 2015 at 17:14

  2. Andrew

    link is broken, there is a redirect to which is not loading

    February 26th, 2015 at 23:43

    1. Bill Walker

      Sorry I didn’t see your comment earlier — I have made a few more fixes to the server, please try again, it seems to be working now!

      March 11th, 2015 at 15:22

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