It has been four weeks since the last State of the Docs update, so there is much to report. As ever, this is just a selection of the recent documentation activity on MDN.
Web standards docs
- Frédéric Bourgeon has done a lot of work on pages for CSS selectors, in both English and French including: adding a spec table to Adjacent sibling selectors, and compatibility info in class selectors, type selectors, ID selectors, universal selectors, and descendant selectors.
- David Bruant started documenting rest parameters in JavaScript.
- CutenessOverload updated IE compatibility info for a bunch of CSS properties, including transform, font-feature-settings, animation, transition, perspective, radial-gradient, and linear-gradient.
- Dhar updated the compatibility table for console.log.
- Fusionchess added code examples to :hover, :target, and :checked.
- RobG updated Using the W3C DOM.
- Havvy added a section comparing objects and maps to Map global objects.
- Jürgen Jaka updated CSS white space.
- michelesalvador added a code example of interrupting a function to the JavaScript return statement.
- Mokoto Kato documented word-break and updated a compatibility info for <ol>, and added compatibility table and info to CSS transition-property.
- Masayuki Nakano documented the behavior in Gecko 15 for KeyboardEvent.
- Jérémie Patonnier documented SVG attributes font-variant, font-weight, image-rendering, writing-mode, and direction. He reports that all these SVG attributes are finally starting to drive him crazy :-)
- Thierry Régagnon added a compatibility table and info for CSS widows.
- Rodney Rehm added a code example for sorting maps to Array sort.
- Scott Rowe updated CSS flexible boxes based on current standards status, and expanded CSS filter.
- Florian Scholz added ‘markMessageRead’ and ‘read’ to SmsFilter and ‘read’ to SmsMessage.
- Rob W updated compatibility info for Input.setSelectionRange.
The Asian language localization communities have been especially busy:
- Ethertank added or updated Japanese translations for lots of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript pages.
- Masahiko Imanaka created Japanese pages for lots of HTML elements.
- Potappo translated HTML content categories into Japanese.
- Yyss created or updated Japanese translations for the SVG tutorial, and translated a number of HTML, JavaScript, and Firefox-related pages into Japanese.
- Ziyunfei created or updated Chinese translations for lots of DOM and JavaScript pages, including window.requestAnimationFrame, Array join, and <progress>.
Mozilla technology docs
- Archaopteryx added a section on checking if a message is a feed item to the open folder Thunderbird use case.
- David Bruant provided browser compatibility details on Browser ID.
- Matt Brubeck updated the Gecko user agent string reference.
- Marshall Culpepper created a page for Setting up Boot to Gecko build environment for Mac OS X.
- Mark Finkle created mobile code snippets and Mobile add-ons developer guide.
- Mark Giffin improved Validating a receipt for HTML5 apps.
- Bill McCloskey documented SpiderMonkey garbage collector integration.
- Florian Scholz added ‘notifyMarkMessageRead’ and ‘notifyMarkMessageReadFailed’ to nsISmsRequestManager.
- David Rajchenbach-Teller added properties and made other updates to ctypes.
- Eric Shepherd added a bunch of docs for Boot-to-Gecko, which are linked under Building and installing Boot to Gecko. He also added a description of the JSPropertyDescriptor structure to JS_GetPropertyDescriptorById.
- Jennifer Zickerman added a section on using LDAP to Thunderbird enterprise tips.
Mozilla project docs
- Vladan Djeric documented Profiling with the built-in profiler and local symbols on Windows.
- Benoit Girard documented Reporting a performance problem.
- Jonathan Watt updated and expanded Eclipse CDT.
About Janet Swisher
Janet is the Community Lead and Project Manager for MDN Web Docs. She joined Mozilla in 2010, and has been involved in open source software since 2004 and in technical communication since the 20th century. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and a standard poodle.