The following is a sample of the changes to the documentation on MDN in the past four weeks. We expect a large flurry of activity during the Documentation sprint this weekend. If you’re in the Bay Area, you’re welcome to join in person for any part of the sprint, or join remotely if you’re elsewhere.
Help needed
A reader provided feedback that they don’t understand the domQuery example in the global Function object. It needs to be more clearly explained.
Web standards docs
- Vikash Agrawal added a code example to :only-child. Vikash is starting a Google Summer of Code project to add code examples for HTML and CSS reference pages. Good luck, Vikash!
- “aHref” created CSS border-image-outset.
- Eric Bidelman updated the compatibility info in Function bind().
- Frédéric Bourgeon updated the spec table for :invalid and added a French translation.
- David Bruant wrote an article on JavaScript memory management.
- Giles Burdett updated Writing Websocket client applications.
- Dan Callahan added
to - Simon Chan added IE compatibility to Manipulating the browser history.
- Pamela Fox added the ‘download’ attribute to the <a> element.
- Fusionchess has been very active, including:
- adding a section on embedded workers and a code example to Using Web workers
- adding code examples to defineProperties, Bitwise operators, the structured clone algorithm, Blob, and window.location
- creating pages for window.onbeforeprint and window.onafterprint
- adding information on sending a Blob object to Using HMLttpRequest
- David Humphrey updated the text and examples of Pointer lock API.
- Husky add info about calling history.pushState to window.onpopstate.
- Kenan added IE Mobile compatibility info to window.btoa and window.atob.
- Jesper Kristensen updated Fixing common validation problems, including changing the examples to HTML5, and updated XHTML.
- Gijs Kruitbosch added compatibility info to JSON.
- Jeremie Patonnier created pages for the SVG attributes opacity, color-interpolation, color-interpolation-filters, and color-rendering.
- Jean-Yves Perrier created an article on CSS WebKit extensions, added Greek alphabet examples to CSS text-transform, added browser compatibility table and info to text-indent, and created a page for -webkit-box-reflect.
- Nickolay Ponomarev created Mutation events, and expanded and clarified error in the DOM event reference.
- Florian Scholz created a page for window.navigator.connection, added compatibility tables to MathML mfrac, mfenced, and mglyph, and updated vendor neutrality and browser compatibility on 17 MathML elements.
- Eric Shepherd created a page for XMLHttpRequestEventTarget, added a section on convenience functions to Touch events, and added an example of using a timeout to Using HTMLHttpRequest.
- Caesar Shinas added IE compatibility to Using media queries from code and MediaQueryList.
- Wes expanded Touch events to cover handling clicks and second touches.
- Ziyunfei translated or updated translations for something like a bazillion Chinese pages.
Mozilla technology docs
- A number of people contributed to Building B2G for Samsung Galaxy S2, including Ben Adida, Dietrich Ayala, John Hammink, Tobias Renz, Philipp von Weitershausen, and Zbigniew Braniecki.
- Will Bamberg created Bootstrapping BrowserID.
- Ian Bicking documented the ‘install’ and ‘uninstall’ events in
navigator.mozApps.mgmt.addEventListener and added a code example to navigator.mozApps.mgmt.removeEventListener. - Dan Callahan created a BrowserID Glossary, revamped the main BrowserID page, and updated the BrowserID FAQ.
- Luke Crouch started documenting Kuma, the new wiki platform that MDN will be moving to soon: Getting started with Kuma and Introduction to KumaScript.
- Malini Das added several function definitions to Marionette and added a section on running tests via make to Marionette Running tests.
- Fabrice Desré and Reuben Morais updated the code examples in
Getting started with apps. - Mike Conley documented how to use Thunderbird Filelink providers.
- Mark Giffin updated Apps manifest and the Apps JavaScript API.
- Jeff Griffiths revamped the Boot to Gecko landing page and created Using Gaia using Firefox Nightly.
- Joliclic added a section on returned values to Declaring and calling functions in Using js-ctypes.
- Geoff Lankow updated nsIFile based on its merger with nsILocalFile in Gecko 14.
- Philipp von Weitershausen created Writing a web app for Boot to Gecko,
Building B2G for Samsung Nexus S and updated Setting up the Boot to Gecko build environment.
Mozilla project docs
- Joel Maher added a section on Mochitest-Robocop to Mozilla automated testing.
- created Rebranding SpiderMonkey (1.8.5).
- Hassadee Pimsuwan added Thai to the list of MDN translations.
Translators are also needed for Spanish, German, Greek, Russion, traditional Chinese, Hebrew, and Romanian. - Thierry Régagnon improved a number of the MDN templates for the French translation.
About Janet Swisher
Janet is the Community Lead and Project Manager for MDN Web Docs. She joined Mozilla in 2010, and has been involved in open source software since 2004 and in technical communication since the 20th century. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and a standard poodle.
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