As part of making the web in general, and mobile devices in particular, an even richer web platform, we at Mozilla work with our WebAPI initiative. The other day our CTO Brendan Eich blogged about our part and progress and we wanted to make that information available here as well.
To complement our blog posts here about technical challenges and solutions, we also want to show the ongoing work to offer better possibilities for web developers and, in Brendan’s words:
Improving the Web to improve its users’ lives
That is what we at Mozilla are all about.
WebAPIs and our work
These are the the various Mobile APIs that we have worked hard on and contributed to – listed with the Mozilla people that have been involved with them:
- Geolocation, with Google contributing the editor and Firefox (thanks to Jay Sullivan leading the charge) implementing early.
- WebGL and typed arrays.
- Gamepad API. Co-editor: Ted Mielczarek. Mozillans are also contributing to Pointer Lock.
- Screen Orientation. Editor: Mounir Lamouri.
- navigator.getUserMedia. Co-editor: Anant Narayanan
Battery Status (in Last Call). From the Acknowledgements:
Big thanks to the Mozilla WebAPI team for their invaluable feedback based on prototype implementations.
- Media Capture. Fabrice Desré prototype-implemented in Gecko.
- Network API. Editor: Mounir Lamouri.
- Web Telephony. Ben Turner, Jonas Sicking, Philipp von Weitershausen.
- Web SMS. Mounir Lamouri, Jonas Sicking.
Vibration. From the Acknowledgements:
The group is deeply indebted to Mounir Lamouri, Jonas Sicking, and the Mozilla WebAPI team in general for providing the WebVibrator prototype as an initial input.
- File API. Editors: Arun Ranganathan, Jonas Sicking.
- IndexedDB. Editors includes Jonas Sicking.
About Robert Nyman [Editor emeritus]
Technical Evangelist & Editor of Mozilla Hacks. Gives talks & blogs about HTML5, JavaScript & the Open Web. Robert is a strong believer in HTML5 and the Open Web and has been working since 1999 with Front End development for the web - in Sweden and in New York City. He regularly also blogs at and loves to travel and meet people.