Want to go to Full Frontal in Brighton, England this Friday? We got tickets!

photo by Lily

Full Frontal is a JavaScript centric conference in Brighton, England on the 11/11/11. The simplest way to describe it is “a splendid kick into your lower back side” event when it comes to what’s hot and amazing int he world of scripting.

The Mozilla Developer Network has 3 tickets to give out, one of which also entitles you to attend the speakers dinner the day before the conference. Tickets for the conference are gone, so here is your last chance.

If you want to take part in this, you need to be able to get to Brighton, England on the 11th and be open to also come on the 10th for the speaker’s dinner (one of you). Please say if you can’t come on the 10th – you can still win a ticket. We will need your name for the organisers to put on the list.

First and foremost though, in order to win a ticket add a comment here why you deserve to get a Mozilla ticket and what you can do as a thank you to help the open web.

The best reasons and offers will get the tickets. We will announce the pick on the 9th here and contact you so please leave a valid email in the comment (this will not be shown to the public).

For extra brownie points, why not tell us what new initiatives of Mozilla get you most excited and what we could be doing to make them a reality faster.

See you in Brighton, it rocks!

We picked the winners, now! Let’s get full frontal!

About Chris Heilmann

Evangelist for HTML5 and open web. Let's fix this!

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  1. Jim Purbrick

    I’m currently bootstrapping a game that encourages creativity, uses social game mechanics for good and is built on open web technologies. I’d love to level up my JavaScript skills at Full Frontal so I can rescue more people from Farmville drudgery and put them on a path towards creativity and freedom.

    November 7th, 2011 at 05:10

  2. Aran Wilkinson

    I wish to go to Full Frontal as my Javascript Kung-Fu is not strong! :-(

    November 7th, 2011 at 06:31

  3. Steve Purkiss

    I’m currently bootstrapping a company here in Brighton which educates people about Drupal, a Free/Libre Open Source web app platform that enables people to build web apps with little or no programming required unless they want to, then it’s also a great framework and API.

    I actually want to nominate Craig Moore (http://twitter.com/shoseki) to receive a ticket as he’s a JavaScript and WebGL expert and has helped enormously working with me over the last month so I can at last have time to work on the business instead of doing *everything*.

    He can’t afford a ticket, I can’t afford to buy him one even if there were any left, but I know how much he wants to go and would love it if he did. Of course him having even more knowledge will help me too, he’s been doing some amazing JS work with Drupal this week!

    November 7th, 2011 at 06:45

  4. Dunk Fordyce

    Hi, I would like a ticket because I’m full of great ideas and JS know-how but I rarely meet people to actually share any of it! I live in Brighton and going to full frontal would give me a chance to meet and talk to some gurus. I can never afford to goto any conferences!

    Everything Mozilla does is awesome in my opinion. Planet Mozilla is part of my daily reading and I’m constantly amazed at the great work you all do. Open Web Apps / Intents really interest me at the moment they offer such potential, especially mixed with something like webian where webian could almost become an app thats a browser inside something like B2G.

    As a thank you ill blog about everything I learn and release more code using it!

    If your not convinced yet – let me just say:
    Me! Me! Me! ;D

    November 7th, 2011 at 07:01

  5. Saqib Shaikh

    As a blind backend developer I’d love to take my Javascript skills to the next level so that I can more competantly dispell all-too-common myths about Ajax sites being unusable by blind people. I’d like to understand how to build more interactive web apps while maintaining accessibility.

    If I went to Full Frontal, I’d put my newly gained JS knowledge to use in making a HTML5 demo using WAI-ARIA, and write a tutorial explaining how it works – for other open web developers.

    I love that Mozilla funded NVAccess for a second time to further development of the open source NVDA screen reader :-)

    November 7th, 2011 at 09:09

  6. Simon

    I really want to go to full-frontal and learn from experts. Why do I deserve it, I’m a nice person :)

    November 7th, 2011 at 10:30

  7. Jonathan Lister

    I deserve to get a Mozilla ticket because I’ve been nattering on about server-side JS since before it became fashionable. If you give me one, it’ll give me that extra push to abandon PHP and put my agency entirely on a SSJS stack.

    November 7th, 2011 at 11:06

  8. Jim Purbrick

    Also, I promise to do a big blog post on the conference to share what I’ve learned with others.

    November 7th, 2011 at 17:09

  9. Rob

    I spend my days re-factoring JavaScript into modular and reusable code, and evangelise JavaScript and JSDocs standards to all of my colleagues at the BBC. I’ve not yet been to a conference, though, I’ve been trying to find one to go to for a very long time.

    November 8th, 2011 at 07:20

  10. Fredrik Söderquist

    I am a mobile web developer bringing back the native javascript and to discuss mobile web javascript optimization strategies with the excellent speakers of fullfrontalconf.

    Plus it would really suck to have a gap in my FullFrontal pin collection.
    pretty please :)

    November 8th, 2011 at 07:28

  11. Jim Purbrick

    It would also give people an opportunity to see my nascent Derek Smalls tribute moustache in public on Nigel Tufnel Day…

    November 8th, 2011 at 08:30

  12. David

    I would give my ticket to my friend Esteban who wants to go to this event like there’s no tomorrow!

    November 8th, 2011 at 10:19

  13. Jim Purbrick

    In terms of APIs, the Audio Data API is definitely the most exciting for me. I can’t wait until this is widely usable across browsers.

    November 8th, 2011 at 11:33

  14. esaiz

    I need to improve my Javascript knowledge, here is an example http://pastebin.ca/2093213 ;)

    Of course I don’t think that I could cook a paella next Friday but I can write about the event on my blog :)

    November 8th, 2011 at 16:38

  15. Artur Cistov

    We are building a mobile web app to be used by 40 thousand network engineers, who (among other things) help to make the web available in remote rural locations.

    Favourite Mozilla initiatives: WebAPI, Boot2Gecko, SourceMap & MDN docs.

    November 8th, 2011 at 16:50

  16. Juanjo

    I’d like a ticket because I missed it last year, and this year I wasn’t quick enough to buy the tickets either!

    November 9th, 2011 at 07:56

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