We’re very excited to announce that Mozilla is sponsoring the Hacker Lounge at JSConf.eu and we will be holding a doc sprint at and during the conference. The focus of this doc sprint will naturally be docs for JavaScript and DOM. We hope to encourage attendees at the conference to contribute at least a little to improving the JS and DOM docs on MDN. I and a handful of MDN community members will be there to show them how.
To that end, we want to tag as many JS and DOM articles as possible, with tags indicating what work needs to be done on those articles. That way, anybody dropping in during the sprint (or anytime later) can look for tagged articles and find something to work on.
Here are some of the tags we use to indicate that an article needs help:
- NeedsTechnicalReview: needs someone to verify that the technical information is complete and correct.
- NeedsExample: needs one or more illustrative code examples of the item documented.
- NeedsContent: the item is incomplete and needs to be filled out.
- NeedsJSVersion: needs information about the version of JavaScript and EcmaScript this item first appears in.
- NeedsBrowserCompatibility: needs a browser compatibility table or needs the table filled out.
- MakeBrowserAgnostic: the article is written with a focus on Gecko, when it is actually about a standard function or feature, which should be rewritten to be generic.
Please help by tagging articles in MDN that need work with the appropriate tag. You can use the Talk page for each article to elaborate on what needs to be done, if the tag is not descriptive enough. To modify tags on an article, login to MDN and click Edit Tags at the bottom of the page.
The wiki page for the doc sprint has links to queries for some of these tags.
If you will be at JSConf.eu, I look forward to seeing you there! If you will be participating remotely, I’ll see you online!
About Janet Swisher
Janet is the Community Lead and Project Manager for MDN Web Docs. She joined Mozilla in 2010, and has been involved in open source software since 2004 and in technical communication since the 20th century. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and a standard poodle.