the new about:hacks newsletter

Yesterday, we published the first issue of about:hacks, Mozilla’s newsletter for web developers. If you asked to receive news and updates from Mozilla in our November survey, it should be waiting for you in your inbox.


About:hacks will be published monthly, and will include demos, tutorials, Firefox release information, the latest on web standards and developer tools, and updates on the Mozilla Developer Network.

This first issue includes, among other things, a demo that combines Processing and multi-touch, an HTML5 video tutorial, a preview of Firebug 1.5 and Eventbug, and a sneak peek at what’s going on behind the scenes at Mozilla.

We know you may already be reading the hacks blog, following @mozhacks on Twitter, and maybe even subscribing to mozhacks on YouTube, so we’ll make sure the newsletter is a good mix of original content and a recap of some of the most important things that happened in the previous month.

This is why your feedback is very important: what did you like? what would you change? what would you like to see in the next issue? Let us know and we’ll make sure to write the newsletter you want to read!

If you haven’t seen about:hacks, check it out, and if you like it, subscribe to get the next issue in January.

About Alix Franquet

More articles by Alix Franquet…


  1. Nickolay

    Hey. Regarding “a good mix of original content and […]” – does this mean that if someone is interested in seeing the original content but also already reads hacks.m.o, he should read the newsletter as well (and have to scan through the recap as well)?

    Perhaps you could include at least the list of original sections on the blog as well as including it in the newsletter? (Or better repost, newsletter is just a different medium).

    December 22nd, 2009 at 12:19

  2. Alix Franquet

    Nickolay: we’ll make sure to post links to the newsletter archive from hacks, and to let hacks readers know when a new issue has been released. The newsletter has a list of what’s in a given issue at the top so you can easily get to the content that interests you.

    December 22nd, 2009 at 14:29

  3. Ken Saunders

    I enjoyed it thoroughly. Congrats and great work.

    Perhaps a link to subscribe to the newsletter should be placed under “Links” on this site.

    December 22nd, 2009 at 15:35

  4. Ken

    Roboform Pro does not work with 3.6 beta 5

    December 29th, 2009 at 13:21

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