web developer survey: 5,000+ responses from 119 countries!

A few weeks ago, we launched a new survey for Web developers. We wanted to learn more about what you are interested in to build the Mozilla Developer Network tailored to your needs.

Thanks to your help in spreading the word about the survey, we surpassed our goal of 5,000 responses!  The survey is now closed and we’re processing the data. We’ll post results here on the hacks blog and tweet about them on @mozhacks in the next few weeks.

Given the positive feedback about this initiative, we’re planning to repeat the survey on a regular basis to show trends in the Web developer world over time. For example: what tools and technologies are most popular at a give time around the world? The next iteration should be coming in a few months, and we’ll ask for your help again to make sure the participation is as broad as possible.

Thanks for joining this effort, and stay tuned for the results!

About Alix Franquet

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  1. Ken Saunders


    What do I win for leaving the first comment? :)

    November 19th, 2009 at 20:17

  2. Tharaka Devinda

    @Ken: You get to show it off at the top of the comments list. LoL.!!

    November 21st, 2009 at 08:59

  3. Micah

    That is a ton of responses what was the most common response? I have always used Firefox since it came out and always enjoy the new features in the updates bu to be honest it is already perfect for me and what i do to surf!

    Kind Regards
    Micah Burkette

    November 26th, 2009 at 12:04

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