Firefox, YouTube and WebM

Five important items of note today relating to Mozilla’s support for the VP8 codec:

1. Google will be releasing VP8 under an open source and royalty-free basis. VP8 is a high-quality video codec that Google acquired when they purchased the company On2. The VP8 codec represents a vast improvement in quality-per-bit over Theora and is comparable in quality to H.264.

2. The VP8 codec will be combined with the Vorbis audio codec and a subset of the Matroska container format to build a new standard for Open Video on the web called WebM. You can find out more about the project at its new site:

3. We will include support for WebM in Firefox. You can get super-early WebM builds of Firefox 4 pre-alpha today. WebM will also be included in Google Chrome and Opera.

4. Every video on YouTube will be transcoded into WebM. They have about 1.2 million videos available today and will be working through their back catalog over time. But they have committed to supporting everything.

5. This is something that is supported by many partners, not just Google and others. Content providers like Brightcove have signed up to support WebM as part of a full HTML5 video solution. Hardware companies, encoding providers and other parts of the video stack are all part of the list of companies backing WebM. Even Adobe will be supporting WebM in Flash. Firefox, with its market share and principled leadership and YouTube, with its video reach are the most important partners in this solution, but we are only a small part of the larger ecosystem of video.

We’re extremely excited to see Google joining us to support Open Video. They are making technology available on terms consistent with the Open Web and the W3C Royalty-Free licensing terms. And – most importantly – they are committing to support a full open video stack on the world’s largest video site. This changes the landscape for video and moves the baseline for what other sites have to do to maintain parity and keep up with upcoming advances in video technology, not to mention compatibility with the set of browsers that are growing their userbase and advancing technology on the web.

At Mozilla, we’ve wanted video on the web to move as fast as the rest of the web. That has required a baseline of open technology to build on. Theora was a good start, but VP8 is better. Expect us to start pushing on video innovation with vigor. We’ll innovate like the web has, moving from the edges in, with dozens of small revolutions that add up to something larger than the sum of those parts. VP8 is one of those pieces, HTML5 is another. If you watch this weblog, you can start to see those other pieces starting to emerge as well. The web is creeping into more and more technologies, with Firefox leading the way. We intend to keep leading the web beyond HTML5 to the next place it needs to be.

Today is a day of great change. Tomorrow will be another.


  1. Nino

    This is amazing news. So glad to see Firefox get a solid codec upon which to build the future of web video.

    *Goes to get nightly*

    May 19th, 2010 at 09:40

  2. Wladimir Palant

    I think by “Matroksa” you mean Matroska. Which is still a strange transcription of the Russian word but that’s how the format is called…

    Anyway, great news!

    May 19th, 2010 at 09:41

    1. Christopher Blizzard

      Yeah, sorry, just a late-night typo. Fixed!

      May 19th, 2010 at 10:07

  3. Chris Weekly


    This. Is. Huge.

    May 19th, 2010 at 09:48

  4. Matt Wood

    Any comment from Microsoft? Won’t hold my breath.

    May 19th, 2010 at 09:48

  5. Skatox

    This is a great news for the future of the open web. I imagne all the IE team getting angry XD jejeje

    May 19th, 2010 at 09:49

  6. Peter Wooley

    This is awesome! Any word on where Apple stands on this?

    May 19th, 2010 at 09:52

  7. Robert Nyman

    I’m so happy! :-D

    May 19th, 2010 at 09:54

  8. guiodic

    Excuse me for this question: it this all true? Are these decisions or want? I’m amazed…

    May 19th, 2010 at 09:55

  9. Tiago Sá

    Absurdly awesome news! Incredible! What an enormous win for the web! Fantastic!

    May 19th, 2010 at 10:01

  10. Hans Wurest

    Yay! I can’t even describe my joy.

    Sadly though, I predict that Redmond and Cupertino will still find excuses for not supporting this.

    May 19th, 2010 at 10:03

    1. Tiago Sá

      Lol, that just means their browser will die sooner. I wouldn’t worry too much about them, because, after all, IE6-8 are the plight of today, not IE9. If IE9 doesn’t support HTML5 video, let’s all worry about that when IE6-8 are eradicated.

      May 19th, 2010 at 10:05

      1. Hans Wurest

        According to one of their latest blog posts they are going to support the HTML5 video tag but just with H.264 and MP3 or AAC for audio.

        May 19th, 2010 at 10:34

        1. Wim Leers

          In their defense, they could not have announced support for WebM, since it didn’t exist yet at the time they wrote that blog post…

          May 19th, 2010 at 10:41

        2. Jon Galloway

          Looks like IE9 will support VP8 codec if installed:

          May 19th, 2010 at 11:02

  11. Cy

    Wow, awesome! What a huge relief for HTML5 video codec fiasco.

    May 19th, 2010 at 10:04

  12. Jon Pritchard

    I’m so happy Google did it. This is a game changer. It’s going to help alleviate the problems Firefox was faced with in not supporting H.264 for the new HTML5 video tag. YouTube transcoding all videos into the new format is huge as well. Really well done to them. One can quite easily see open video becoming more ubiquitous on the web, I don’t think that’s too outlandish a statement anymore.

    May 19th, 2010 at 10:04

  13. Christopher Blizzard

    Hey, if you want to try it out, get a build here:

    Opt into the html5 beta here:

    And try an HTML5 and WebM video here:

    May 19th, 2010 at 10:18

  14. jpvincent

    the notorious guys missing are MS for native support in IE9, Apple for Safari desktop and mobile and … Adobe for the video flash player :) We’ll have to deal with browser not supporting video tag for still a long time and sites wont encode videos twice
    Any news from them at the moment ?

    Anyway, we got 5 years before h.264 really becomes a problem, this synchronized move of Mozilla, Google and hardware manufacturers is huge !

    May 19th, 2010 at 10:31

    1. Shawn Wilsher

      But as the post says, Adobe is including it in Flash.

      May 19th, 2010 at 10:44

    2. Christopher Blizzard

      Adobe just announced that they would support VP8 in Flash.

      May 19th, 2010 at 10:51

  15. steph

    Just a dream, amazing, thanks :)

    May 19th, 2010 at 10:41

  16. Daniel Bauman


    Adobe’s apparently on board. Last bullet point mentioned that they’ll be building WebM support into Flash Player.

    That should help with the IE and Safari problems, at least on the desktop. Safari mobile is still a problem – but it’s not as if it’s a new problem.

    May 19th, 2010 at 10:42

  17. Jake McGraw


    IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera… 4 down, 1 to go.

    May 19th, 2010 at 10:47

    1. Hans Wurest

      Doesn’t the Desktop version of Safari use the codecs Quicktime has? (at least on OS X, AFAIK).

      May 19th, 2010 at 11:32

  18. Christopher Blizzard

    May 19th, 2010 at 10:54

  19. sandman

    Interesting. Microsoft will support VP8 video “when the user has installed a VP8 codec on Windows”.. I wonder if there is a reason to not install that codec when IE9 is installed? Seems a strange thing to defer to the user when they’re already bundling h264 with newer versions of Windows.

    May 19th, 2010 at 11:00

  20. Alexandre Plennevaux

    in the IE9 catchup announcement, I’m wandering about the main sentence:

    “IE9 will support playback of H.264 video as well as VP8 video when the user has installed a VP8 codec on Windows. ”

    What does that really mean? They won’t ship IE with an open licensed codec? Why is that? What’s the stake? Why the bias?

    May 19th, 2010 at 11:02

  21. marcoos

    Although I’ve heard rumors about this a few months ago, I didn’t believe this would really happen. But it has happened. Best news I’ve heard this year. :)

    BTW, Chris, should we treat “tomorrow” in your post’s last sentence literally? Is there something as awesome as this coming to us tomorrow, May 20th? :)

    PS. Polish version of this post is available here:

    May 19th, 2010 at 11:05

  22. Brendan Miller

    Headline should read: Google Saves Firefox Video

    Now we can all admit that Theora wasn’t going anywhere?

    The open question is still whether IE will support this new format…

    May 19th, 2010 at 11:07

    1. gunn

      who cares? if IE or safari cannot/will not support it, they will be left to rot and die and then rot some more. It’s only matter of time before Firefox and Chrome, with help from Opera completely cannibalize the browser market.

      May 19th, 2010 at 12:11

  23. memai

    so, Mozilla has zero energy for Theora now?

    May 19th, 2010 at 11:34

  24. Jan Schejbal

    YES! Great work!

    Given that Chrome is using WebKit and Google probably is willing to share code, I think that Safari can implement it quite quickly and as Apple doesn’t like Flash, I think they will do it.

    The main question here is: WHEN? When will I be able to use a final (or at least RC) version of firefox to watch youtube videos without flash? (i.e. when will both Firefox and Youtube have support for the codec fully implemented?)

    May 19th, 2010 at 11:45

  25. Asa Dotzler

    Brendan, I think the headline should be “Mozilla changed the entire trajectory of this discussion with its insistence on open and unencumbered codecs for the Web”

    That’s not a home run, but an important double or triple during a critical juncture when everyone else was insisting the game was over. Google loaded the bases with WebM and YouTube transcoding. Adobe came in with a nice base hit giving video producers a nice fallback for legacy browsers without extra work. Microsoft has followed with another solid base hit saying they’ll utilize it in IE when available.

    That’s several points from a team effort and sets us up for a win for the Open Web if we can get more toolsmiths and better HTML video APIs over the next couple of years.

    May 19th, 2010 at 11:56

    1. David Smith

      Yay for marketing spin!

      From the actual technical analysis of the code and spec (as opposed to all the marketing hype) it looks like it’s going to take some serious work to bring the codebase and API up to snuff. Have to see if any decent encoders and general tools actually show up in the near future, as that will be the real litmus of its adoption.

      And yes, Asa, if the game was over without this then Brendan’s statements are spot on.

      May 19th, 2010 at 13:59

      1. David Smith

        Actually, I should amend that. There are plenty of crap h.264 encoders around that people use, so I guess a ‘decent’ encoder isn’t a strict requirement. Still need the ecosystem to support widespread use, though.

        May 19th, 2010 at 14:11

  26. aa

    “Tomorrow” gets me excited!

    May 19th, 2010 at 12:04

  27. Leonid Tsarev

    Will new codec be backported to 3.6.x branch?
    I think this will greatly speed up adoption of

    May 19th, 2010 at 12:14

  28. Ben

    LOL now that WebM’s released you start trashing Theora…

    May 19th, 2010 at 12:24

  29. Kenneth Pardue

    Other than an irrelevant statement on the part of Apple, I think Webm is a given.

    Everyone seems to be settling upon Microsoft pass-the-risk-to-the-user approach of “We’ll play it if the user has it installed” as support for the codec.

    Within weeks, there will be a Quicktime plugin for Webm (according to the project website), which means that Safari will be able to play back webm files via tag if the user has it installed, just as Theora is.

    If it works as support from Microsoft, it should also be considered support from Apple. Still terrified of the potential patent fight and still not too sure of the quality as compared to H.264, but the web ultimately looks to be in a brighter place.

    May 19th, 2010 at 12:26

  30. Ms2ger

    So, where’s the source for these nightlies?

    May 19th, 2010 at 12:27

  31. Kelly Clowers – this is great, but when can we expect this to show up in trunk? Or alternatively, when can expect a Linux 64-bit version?

    May 19th, 2010 at 12:35

    1. julroy67

      Same as above, currently I’m using x86_64 Firefox trunk, could we expect a merge to trunk soon ?

      May 19th, 2010 at 14:36

  32. Chess

    Don’t expect Safari until Apple can fully test what ramifications this will have on its platforms. They have something that works so they are in no hurry to switch it out with something that hasn’t been fully tested and fleshed out. I’d say give them a year, once everyone else irons out whatever kinks it might have.

    May 19th, 2010 at 12:44

  33. marquinos

    Great news!!!! :D
    @Google Thanks very much!!!!
    @Mozilla Fight and win! ;)
    By open and free web! :D Great day today!

    May 19th, 2010 at 13:02

  34. Bigboy

    Is Google indemnifying everyone using VP8 in case it is actually patent-encumbered?

    Open Source != Unencumbered

    May 19th, 2010 at 13:07

  35. Jonas

    Sorry, but the IE announcement reads “we’re NOT going to support VP8… but you’ll be able to install it as a 3rd party codec plugin (just like Theora or any other codec)”.

    I don’t understand why people desperately try to read that as they’re going to include VP8. Microsoft will continue to back (the soon irrelevant) H.264 in HTML5.

    Anyway, more power to Firefox!

    May 19th, 2010 at 13:10

    1. Kelly Clowers

      Jonas wrote on May 19th, 2010 at 1:10 pm:
      Sorry, but the IE announcement reads “we’re NOT going to support VP8… but you’ll be able to install it as a 3rd party codec plugin (just like Theora or any other codec)”.

      Wrong. IE will not use any and all system codecs. The only codec that IE was going to support in the video tag was h.264. Now they say they will support WebM in the video tag as well. Total change of stance.

      May 20th, 2010 at 10:41

  36. Andy

    Once i hear it will be supported in iPhone and iPad i will start jumping for joy..

    May 19th, 2010 at 13:25

    1. Overlord

      Mr. Steve Job, the “great” defensor of “Open Web” doesn’t like open source media containers like WebM…

      Steve, wake up! Go onboard, man!

      May 20th, 2010 at 04:22

  37. Duv

    Well, expected but nice. Very nice.

    That said, I don’t expect to see MPEG-LA to just sit on this and let it happen. If they are going to toss up a road block, they will. And to be honest, I almost expect it to be quick and hard. The next few months will be interesting for HTML5 again.
    Going forward, I am not sure if this would mean that Firefox will drop Theora in favor of WebM. I would like to see something offical from Xiph on this matter, just to gauge where things go from here for Theora and the sudden appearence of VP8. But for now, will support and improvement continue with Theora in Gecko? That is my question.

    May 19th, 2010 at 13:51

  38. n

    IIRC Matroska is LGPL license and Mozilla can’t use MPL-incompatible licenses in official binaries. I remembered about Mozilla and libart problem.
    How do you solve it?

    May 19th, 2010 at 13:56

  39. Bill

    Wow. How Christopher flaps in the breezes. Interesting that WRT the quality of Theora “most people can’t really tell the difference between a video encoded with a decent Theora encoder and a video encoded with H.264″^1 yet as stated above VP8 is comparable to h.264 and “a vast improvement” over Theora.

    Huzzah to Google for VP8 though.


    May 19th, 2010 at 13:59

  40. blitz

    I’d like to echo Ms2ger, where is the source?

    And why no 64-bit version? Is it because libvpx does not compile on 64-bit?

    best I found is this bug:

    May 19th, 2010 at 14:00

  41. EarthLaunch

    Does VP8 support alpha channel transparency the way VP6 does?

    May 19th, 2010 at 15:26

  42. Brendan Miller

    @Asa Dotzle

    I agree this is a good thing. I don’t mean to rag on Mozilla so much. I do think that not finding some way to include h.264 was a pretty risky decision though, as the quality and popularity of Theora is something outside of Mozilla’s control.

    In the end it looks like it might work out for the best; however, if Google hadn’t swooped in, they would have been in a position where *from the users perspective* IE9 would have had better quality, higher performance built in video than Firefox.

    Keeping in mind that Firefox doesn’t come with Windows, it always has to fight an uphill battle by providing better features/speed/security to justify users going out and downloading it. IE can slip up, and fall behind for years and still maintain market share just because people who don’t know better will always use it, but a small gap on Firefox’s side in feature parity could be deadly.

    May 19th, 2010 at 15:47

  43. dude

    Here’s to hoping that 264 goes down in flames following this. Google is truly the “do no evil” company. I hope they convert all their youtube videos to this format as well :)

    May 19th, 2010 at 18:01

  44. Brett Zamir

    “How Christopher flaps in the breezes”….

    Something can be a “vast improvement” over something which is not noticeable to most people.

    I’m one of the people who found Theora just fine, though I’m willing to admit it could be improved vastly–kind of like HDTV was over regular TV. Or maybe more analogously, an audio amplifier which went from supporting 19,000 Mhz frequencies to 25,000. Most won’t notice the difference, but it settles the concerns, even if they were considered of less importance by open video advocates.

    I admire the people sticking up for principle here because if it had been a choice between HDTV controlled by a monopoly and regular TV under competition, I’d choose the latter. And having open video on the web where you get a greater choice of what to watch is even more important than for television.

    So hats off to those bumping up the technical quality beyond an already quite workable format, and hats off to those ensuring it was going to be an open format.

    Amazing how much struggle there has to be for something so obviously necessary as this…

    May 19th, 2010 at 19:22

    1. David Oliver

      Spot on Brett.

      I see this as first and foremost a big step to securing an open base for video on the web. Quality is secondary to freedom.

      Hopefully with Google’s weight behind it, it will be defended from patent litigation and we’ll be able to build on open and available-to-anyone video from here. But I’m not sure how it works – would Google be the target or would MPEG-LA pick its targets from users of VP8 who publish content using the codec?

      May 20th, 2010 at 00:45

    2. voracity

      Spot on, Brett.

      An immense amount of thanks to Mozilla for having the courage to act as the web’s conscience. And an equally immense amount of thanks to Google for doing something that most big companies would never have the principles or conviction to do.

      May 20th, 2010 at 05:16

    3. papyromancer

      “Codecs don’t matter anymore, they’re so 2010”

      #openvideo FTW

      May 20th, 2010 at 17:22

  45. OJ

    I wonder if Firefox will support WebM in 3.7 instead of waiting for 4.0. That would be a nice jumpstart for weening the world off Flash-based video.

    May 19th, 2010 at 20:10

    1. Matt Brubeck

      There will be no Firefox 3.7 – the next release has been renamed Firefox 4.

      It’s possible that WebM could even be backported to Firefox 3.6, but there are no firm plans for that yet.

      May 20th, 2010 at 16:08

  46. carol

    here is one that works(on chrome)the other browser arent ready yet but they ll soon be!

    May 20th, 2010 at 07:03

  47. Piero Giusti

    I downloaded the Firefox with WebM support and YouTube works, but in my test didn’t work. In my test Opera and Chromium works.

    My source code:

    How i do this in Firefox?

    May 20th, 2010 at 09:02

  48. Stifu

    Very good news.

    I’m a long-time Firefox user, but I’m abused by the fact Mozilla won’t admit problems until they’re solved. It was the same with memory issues with Firefox 1.5 and 2.0, for example: memory leak complaints were all denied until Firefox 3.0 fixed most of them. It starts like “There are no problems, it’s all in your head”, then “Hey, we fixed the bugs!!!”. Haha… It’s basically the same regarding Theora here: “It wasn’t so great after all”. That’s what it sounds like to me, at least.
    Still, I can understand. It’s never good publicity to disparage your own product(s). I just thought this was kind of funny. But hey, it’s the same with Microsoft and IE, now they’re like “Hey, we love web standards!”, while you didn’t see them say “Fuck web standards, we ARE the web!” before (at least not that openly).

    May 20th, 2010 at 12:04

    1. Ken Saunders

      Stifu, your last paragraph was hilarious. Truthful too.

      May 20th, 2010 at 23:32

  49. Ken Saunders

    I was/am disappointed by the fact there was never a strong and cohesive Mozillian majority or force behind really promoting the use of Theora.

    You’d be hard pressed to find anything negative that I’ve ever publicly posted about Mozilla, and I’m not trying to call out anyone in particular (that would be uncool), I’m talking about Mozillians collectively and this is a Mozillian site so I feel comfortable with speaking my mind about it without fears of being outed by anyone.

    I learned about Theora through Mozilla (Asa and Air Mozilla to be precise) when support for it in Fx was on the way. I do my best to support all that Mozilla does and so I did for their efforts to promote the use and adoption of the Theora format and open video in general. But time after time, then and even now, I come across sites and blogs where people still choose to post Flash videos and embed from sites that made the clear and obvious choice, and followed Google’s lead not to support Theora especially when converting to Theora is a piece of cake, and there are (albeit poor) open video hosting sites.
    I just never understood that. It has been a bit deflating too to be honest.

    Oddly enough, some of the videos were intended for Firefox users, and some of the content about those videos was about HTML5 and open technologies. It’s mind boggling.
    Mozillians who stuck to using and posted Theora videos should have been dogging other Mozillians about them using Flash and sites and services that don’t support Theora and smacked them in the head and said “What are you thinking?!”

    I’m happy that there may now be a good and agreeable open video format solution. That’s awesome, it’s great for everyone,.
    I just hope that something like what I experienced doesn’t happen again and everyone can get on the same page.
    Mozilla can’t expect us supporters/advocates/volunteers to get behind and believe in something if it’s something that official Mozillians won’t get behind themselves.

    Perhaps Theora would have been more successful and improved had the entire Mozilla ecosystem been behind it. Saying that we’re sticking with it, and actually promoting it and educating people about it are different.

    I feel as if I wasted my time and was fighting a losing battle and/or one that couldn’t be won.

    May 21st, 2010 at 00:14

  50. Dan

    What about Theora? Will you keep supporting it or will you drop it in favor of VP8?

    May 21st, 2010 at 14:08

    1. Matt Brubeck

      Keeping it:

      “We believe that it is in the public interest for HTML5 video to be backed by multiple, open and royalty-free codecs available in a way that is consistent with the W3C license standards. We would absolutely consider H.264 if MPEG LA would make it available under open web terms as defined by the W3C standards. We stand by our position on Theora.” (Mozilla press statement)

      May 21st, 2010 at 14:09

  51. […] 원저자: Christopher Blizzard – 원문으로 가기 […]

    June 13th, 2010 at 09:28

  52. alireza jafarian

    ciao buon giornata e vi auguro tante cose vorreai avere contatti con i miei ex colleghi universitarie architetti antonino modica e massimigliano fardella magari potrete aiutarmi,vi ringrazio tanto e grazie. ciao a dopo.

    June 22nd, 2010 at 01:46

  53. […] HD Video: Watch hardware-accelerated, super-smooth, HD-quality HTML5 video on YouTube using the new WebM format. […]

    July 6th, 2010 at 14:25

  54. […] Support – The biggest change here so far is that we’ve got support for WebM. If you’re part of the Youtube HTML5 beta WebM videos should play pretty […]

    July 6th, 2010 at 17:26

  55. Gabriel Dibble

    Many thanx

    Long live free software <3

    July 13th, 2010 at 10:30

  56. […] WebM のネイティブ実装 […]

    July 27th, 2010 at 17:37

  57. […] support for the HD HTML5 WebM video […]

    July 27th, 2010 at 22:23

  58. Tran

    Nothing is more frustrating then waiting to view a 2 min video that takes 5 mins to load up. keep up the good work guys.

    July 28th, 2010 at 08:48

  59. […] para WebM, de forma que se reproducen videos en HTML5 natívamente. Muchos sitios están adoptando este […]

    July 28th, 2010 at 14:04

  60. […] Mozilla talks the future of Firefox with WebM […]

    July 28th, 2010 at 14:44

  61. […] دعم صيغة الفيديو عالية الجودة “HD Video” بإستخدام تقنية (WebM format). […]

    July 29th, 2010 at 09:42

  62. saivert

    YouTube’s WebM player is still buggy and switching from 360p quality to 720p sometimes doesn’t resume playback and I have to refresh the page several times. This has to be fixed. Works fine in Google Chrome.
    Don’t know if this is a bug with the video support in Firefox or if Google needs to add code that deals with Firefox differently. Best case would be if the same code worked the same in all browsers. but even with HTML5 this isn’t the case.

    When will the web be truly unified and universal?

    August 4th, 2010 at 08:15

  63. […] support for the HD HTML5 WebM video […]

    August 11th, 2010 at 23:34

  64. […] HD video: fuldskærms-video er nu hardwareaccelereret og Googles nye WebM-format understøttes, så du kan se HD-videoer på YouTube direkte i browseren. […]

    August 12th, 2010 at 06:19

  65. […] support for the HD HTML5 WebM video […]

    August 26th, 2010 at 03:12

  66. Rick Wilson

    WebM is a giant step *backwards*. Vorbis is a lossy audio format, so guess what, folks? All of you who worked your ass off to set the mics, amps, monitors, cables, boards, software and hardware just right to achieve the best *lossless* sound for your YouTube video, are about to have your work transcoded to this crappy “WebM” thing. I offer my most sincere condolences.

    November 28th, 2010 at 19:16

    1. Aaron

      You have no idea how lossy works do you.

      Yes, a little data is lost. But what is lost is generally beyond human perception.

      And might I add, the other competing formats, H.264 and ogg are also lossy formats.
      Also, I might add that only on still images have a noticeable data loss. But as I said, it is not noticeable on ogg, webm, and h.264.

      January 24th, 2011 at 15:02

  67. nicholasreddig

    i want youtube

    December 17th, 2010 at 14:43

  68. […] support for the HD HTML5 WebM video […]

    March 18th, 2011 at 22:58

  69. […] durchHTML5 form APIerweiterte Formular ControlsNeuen HTML5 ParserNative Unterstützung des HD HTML5 WebM video formatErweiterte CSS3 Unterstützungund viele weitere Funktionen …Fazit:Mit Firefox 4 […]

    March 19th, 2011 at 08:22

  70. […] Hardware Acceleration is now on by default for Windows 7 usersNative support for the HD HTML5 WebM video format, hardware accelerated where availableThe stop and reload buttons have been merged into […]

    April 3rd, 2011 at 07:19

  71. […] support for the HD HTML5 WebM video format, hardware accelerated where […]

    July 6th, 2011 at 15:38

  72. […] support for the HD HTML5 WebM video format, hardware accelerated where […]

    August 6th, 2011 at 23:07

  73. […] support for the HD HTML5 WebM video […]

    December 18th, 2011 at 19:16

  74. […] this rendering model can now draw faster and more efficientlyNative support for the HD HTML5 WebM video formatWeb developers can update the URL field without reloading the page using HTML History […]

    December 28th, 2011 at 19:23


    If I remove “flash player in Firefox our chrome, i Can’t play video on ‘Youtube.

    I’ve changed my user agent in Safari browser to Ipad ios5 to force use html5 videos, it don’t support it. why can ipad play youtube videos without Flash player, but safari on windows need Flash Player. I DON’T UNDERSTAND THIS apple!

    January 8th, 2012 at 15:59

  76. Lucas

    Hi, Is there any good Firefox add-on which automatically switches to HTML5 on YouTube and sites alike, to avoid the manual steps to join the HTML5 “try something different” found on YouTube?

    February 3rd, 2013 at 21:14

    1. Robert Nyman [Editor]

      Not to my knowledge.

      February 4th, 2013 at 03:03

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