Articles tagged “open source”
To Eleventy and Beyond
Porting an established static website from one generator to another can be daunting. In this post, Add-ons Engineering Manager Stuart Colville recounts the experience of migrating Firefox Extension Workshop, Mozilla’s site for Firefox-specific extension development resources, from the Ruby-based site generator Jekyll to JavaScript-based Eleventy.
jsDelivr – The advanced open source public CDN
This is a guest post by Dmitriy Akulov and his project jsDelivr. – Editor’s note. As a developer you are probably aware of Google Hosted Libraries. Google offers an easy and fast way to include 12 of the most popular js libraries in your websites. But what if you are a webmaster and you want […]
Hacking Innovation: At WebFWD, Lean Startup Methodology Meets Open Source
WebFWD is Mozilla’s accelerator and incubator program for Open Innovation on the Web. It launched at the start of the summer, around the same time I joined Mozilla as a writer and wrangler of content, so I feel a personal stake in helping the program flourish and thrive. In the lean and rapid style of […]