Articles tagged “notifications”
Upcoming notification permission changes in Firefox 72
Earlier this year we decided to reduce the amount of unsolicited notification permission prompts people receive as they move around the web using the Firefox browser. This is an intrinsic part of Mozilla's commitment to putting people first when they are online. In preparation, we ran a series of studies and experiments to understand how to improve the user experience and reduce annoyance. Now we're making some changes to the workflow for how sites ask users for permission to send them notifications.
Keep pushing it, with the W3C Push API
You are all familiar with this experience — a little bubble pops up on your phone without warning, containing a nagging message along the lines of “your insipidly cute little monsters are rested, and want to go and fight more battles!”, or “You’ve got unanswered friend requests from people you don’t know. Hurry up and […]