Articles tagged “Android”
Autogenerating Rust-JS bindings with UniFFI
This blog post will walk through how we developed UniFFI: a Rust library for auto-generating foreign language bindings. We will walk through some of the issues that arose along the way and how we handled them.
Firefox Focus with GeckoView
Firefox Focus is a mobile app for ad-free, private browsing. The upcoming release of Focus for Android will come bundled with Gecko, the browser engine that powers Firefox Quantum. Help us test Gecko in Focus today by installing the Focus Beta.
Testing Your Native Android App
It’s an interesting time to be a web developer! For years Apps have been eating the web and now we are seeing the Web eat the OS. Mozilla is pushing for a world where you can write standards-based, Open Web Apps. These apps should install as native apps and just work, regardless of the platform. […]