Articles by Jean-Yves Perrier
Hack on MDN: Building useful tools with browser compatibility data
The MDN team is migrating browser compatibility data into a JSON database to make it more useful and extensible for web developers. On a recent weekend in Paris, a group of Mozillians and friends gathered to work on projects to improve and extend the BCD data. The Hack on MDN event combined unconference and hackathon; participants pitched projects and committed to working on concrete tasks. Check out the brilliant results of their collaboration.
HiDPI support, HTML5 notifications, Parallel JS, asm.js and more – Firefox Development Highlights
Time for another look at the latest developments with Firefox. This is part of our Bleeding Edge and Firefox Development Highlights series, and most examples only work in Firefox Nightly (and could be subject to change). HiDPI support We’re happy to say that ico/icns with multiple images are now supported: the highest resolution icon is […]
Aurora 16 is out — Unprefixing time !
Web developers, it is time to celebrate! In the upcoming Firefox 16, which reached the Aurora status today, a major enhancement is the unprefixing of several stable CSS features. Other notable features of interest to Web developers include several more HTML5-related APIs, better accessibility on Mac OS, and improvements to Firefox Developer Tools. So […]
Aurora 14 is out! What's new in it?
We have just released Firefox Aurora 14, which includes a number of improvements. If all goes well, these features should be released in 12 weeks as part of Firefox 14. Highlights There are a few of things we’d like to shine some extra light on here: Native Fullscreen Support in Mac OS X 10.7 “Lion”: […]
Helping with the MDN: what about linking to us?
We are working toward writing the best documentation about the Open Web. That’s a huge task but, day by day, our docs improve. Javascript is already considered an excellent resource, our CSS reference is now in pretty good shape, and a lot of work goes into our HTML, SVG and MathML documentation. Our Open Web […]
Firefox goes 2-digit, time to check your UA sniffing scripts
We all know it: UA-based browser detection is bad, the right way is feature-detection. Regardless, legacy code relies upon UA sniffing and may need to be updated for Firefox 10’s release. Even if it looks simple, UA parsing has proven to be a headache for numerous script authors. Though the structure of an UA is […]