Articles by Jeff Griffiths
Developer Edition 41: View source in a tab, screenshot elements, HAR files, and more
When we introduced the new Performance tools a few weeks ago, we also talked about how the Firefox Dev Tools team had spent a lot of time focusing on user feedback and what we call ‘polish’ bugs – things reported via our UserVoice feedback channel and Bugzilla. Even though the Firefox 41 was a short […]
Power Surge – optimize the JavaScript in this HTML5 game using Firefox Developer Edition
The Firefox Developer Tools team wanted to find a fun way to show off the great performance tools we’ve just added to the Firefox Developer Edition browser. We partnered with Przemysław Sikorski (aka rezoner) author of Playground.js and the arcade puzzle game QbQbQb, to create “Power Surge,” a fun game which shows off how the […]
Developer Tools Update – Firefox 22
This is the first in a series of posts published on or about the time a new Firefox version graduates from ‘Nightly’ status and becomes Firefox Aurora. We think that is the absolute best time to let you know about all the cool new developer-related features that have landed in the last 6 weeks, and […]
Firefox Developer Tools work week wrap-up
Last week in Sunnyvale we had the first Developer Tools work week to include the recently-integrated Jetpack team ( for a slightly different take on the week, see Paul’s post. ). And what a week! I was a bit shocked by how many things I thought were just interesting ideas suddenly became real things that […]
DOM MutationObserver – reacting to DOM changes without killing browser performance.
DOM Mutation Events seemed like a great idea at the time – as web developers create a more dynamic web it seems natural that we would welcome the ability to listen for changes in the DOM and react to them. In practice however DOM Mutation Events were a major performance and stability issue and have […]
1st ever MDN Hack Day in NYC
So what’s an MDN Hack Day, you ask? The intention is to host a day of talks, hacks and demos that first introduces the participants to Mozilla and our various open web projects, then invite attendees to shift into participant mode and start hacking. Another way I like to think of it is that we […]