Articles by Belén Albeza
You might not need a CSS framework
CSS frameworks have been around for a while and they have gotten extremely popular in the front-end development scene. These frameworks provide snippets of code you can just copy and paste in your website to craft the whole layout and UI. You have already probably read a lot of articles about how they might be […]
HTML 5 game development video series
Do you want to develop a game? Here’s an introductory video series to get you started on HTML 5 game development! Why HTML 5 The first video offers some reasons to consider making a game for the web: the power of having no friction in distribution, the freedom from siloed marketplaces, the choice of tools […]
From game jam to mobile and Firefox OS
I love participating in game jams, where game developers get together to craft games in a very short amount of time. I thought it would be cool to take one of my past Game Jam games, Metal vs Hipsters, and port it to the mobile web and Firefox OS. Adapting to mobile My starting point […]
HTML5 games: 3D collision detection
Last week we took a look at Tilemaps, and I shared some new articles that I’d written on MDN. This week I’m back to introduce 3D collision detection, an essential technique for almost any kind of 3D game. I’ll also point you to some more new articles about game development on MDN! Hope they inspire […]
HTML 5 games: Tilemaps
I recently joined the Developer Relations team at Mozilla, and my current focus is to help to create content for MDN about HTML 5 game development. I’m very excited about this, since creating games is a passion of mine. I switched to HTML5 game development to increase the reach of my games – which, by […]