It’s easy to make lots of mistakes with a new technology, especially something that’s as big of a change from the past as CSS Grid. In this video, I explain the 9 Biggest Mistakes people are making, with advice and tips for avoiding these pitfalls and breaking old habits.
For more information:
Mistake 1: Thinking CSS Grid is Everything
Flexbox vs. CSS Grid — Which is Better?
Using Flexbox & Grid Together
Obliterate Boxiness with CSS Shapes
Mistake 2: Using Only Percents for Sizing
Min & Max Content Sizing in CSS Grid
FR Units in CSS Grid
MinMax in CSS Grid
Mistake 3 : Assuming You Need Breakpoints
Incredibly Easy Layouts with CSS Grid
Mistake 4: Getting Confused by Numbering
Innovative & Practical Graphic Design with CSS Grid
Basics of CSS Grid: The Big Picture
Mistake 5: Always Using 12-columns
I talk about this towards the end of “FR Units in CSS Grid”
Mistake 6: Ignoring the Power of Rows
Flexibility & The Fold
Whitespace on The Web
Mistake 7: Reaching for a Framework
Mistake 8: Waiting for IE11 to Die
Internet Explorer + CSS Grid?
7-part Series on Writing Resilient CSS that works in all browsers
Mistake 9: Hesitating, Instead of Playing
Responsive Mondrian
CSS Grid like you are Jan Tschichold
About Jen Simmons
Jen Simmons is a Designer and Developer Advocate at Mozilla, specializing in CSS and layout design on the web. She is a member of the CSS Working Group, and speaks at many conferences including An Event Apart, SXSW, Fluent, Smashing Conf and more.