ES6 In Depth: Template strings

ES6 In Depth is a series on new features being added to the JavaScript programming language in the 6th Edition of the ECMAScript standard, ES6 for short.

Last week I promised a change of pace. After iterators and generators, we would tackle something easy, I said. Something that won’t melt your brain, I said. We’ll see whether I can keep that promise in the end.

For now, let’s start with something simple.

Backtick basics

ES6 introduces a new kind of string literal syntax called template strings. They look like ordinary strings, except using the backtick character ` rather than the usual quote marks ' or ". In the simplest case, they really are just strings:

context.fillText(`Ceci n'est pas une chaîne.`, x, y);

But there’s a reason these are called “template strings” and not “boring plain old strings that don’t do anything special, only with backticks”. Template strings bring simple string interpolation to JavaScript. That is, they’re a nice-looking, convenient way to plug JavaScript values into a string.

There are one million ways to use this, but the one that warms my heart is the humble error message:

function authorize(user, action) {
  if (!user.hasPrivilege(action)) {
    throw new Error(
      `User ${} is not authorized to do ${action}.`);

In this example, ${} and ${action} are called template substitutions. JavaScript will plug the values and action into the resulting string. This could generate a message like User jorendorff is not authorized to do hockey. (Which is true. I don’t have a hockey license.)

So far, this is just a slightly nicer syntax for the + operator, and the details are what you would expect:

  • The code in a template substitution can be any JavaScript expression, so function calls, arithmetic, and so on are allowed. (If you really want to, you can even nest a template string inside another template string, which I call template inception.)
  • If either value is not a string, it’ll be converted to a string using the usual rules. For example, if action is an object, its .toString() method will be called.
  • If you need to write a backtick inside a template string, you must escape it with a backslash: `\`` is the same as "`".
  • Likewise, if you need to include the two characters ${ in a template string, I don’t want to know what you’re up to, but you can escape either character with a backslash: `write \${ or $\{`.

Unlike ordinary strings, template strings can cover multiple lines:

  <h1>Watch out!</h1>
  <p>Unauthorized hockeying can result in penalties
  of up to ${maxPenalty} minutes.</p>

All whitespace in the template string, including newlines and indentation, is included verbatim in the output.

OK. Because of my promise last week, I feel responsible for your brain health. So a quick warning: it starts getting a little intense from here. You can stop reading now, maybe go have a cup of coffee and enjoy your intact, unmelted brain. Seriously, there’s no shame in turning back. Did Lopes Gonçalves exhaustively explore the entire Southern Hemisphere after proving that ships can cross the equator without being crushed by sea monsters or falling off the edge of the earth? No. He turned back, went home, and had a nice lunch. You like lunch, right?

Backtick the future

Let’s talk about a few things template strings don’t do.

  • They don’t automatically escape special characters for you. To avoid cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, you’ll still have to treat untrusted data with care, just as if you were concatenating ordinary strings.
  • It’s not obvious how they would interact with an internationalization library (a library for helping your code speak different languages to different users). Template strings don’t handle language-specific formatting of numbers and dates, much less plurals.
  • They aren’t a replacement for template libraries, like Mustache or Nunjucks.

    Template strings don’t have any built-in syntax for looping—building the rows of an HTML table from an array, for example—or even conditionals. (Yes, you could use template inception for this, but to me it seems like the sort of thing you’d do as a joke.)

ES6 provides one more twist on template strings that gives JS developers and library designers the power to address these limitations and more. The feature is called tagged templates.

The syntax for tagged templates is simple. They’re just template strings with an extra tag before the opening backtick. For our first example, the tag will be SaferHTML, and we’re going to use this tag to try to address the first limitation listed above: automatically escaping special characters.

Note that SaferHTML is not something provided by the ES6 standard library. We’re going to implement it ourselves below.

var message =
  SaferHTML`<p>${bonk.sender} has sent you a bonk.</p>`;

The tag here is the single identifier SaferHTML, but a tag can also be a property, like SaferHTML.escape, or even a method call, like SaferHTML.escape({unicodeControlCharacters: false}). (To be precise, any ES6 MemberExpression or CallExpression can serve as a tag.)

We saw that untagged template strings are shorthand for simple string concatenation. Tagged templates are shorthand for something else entirely: a function call.

The code above is equivalent to:

var message =
  SaferHTML(<var>templateData</var>, bonk.sender);

where <var>templateData</var> is an immutable array of all the string parts of the template, created for us by the JS engine. Here the array would have two elements, because there are two string parts in the tagged template, separated by a substitution. So <var>templateData</var> will be like <a href="" target="_blank">Object.freeze</a>(["<p>", " has sent you a bonk.</p>"].

(There is actually one more property present on <var>templateData</var>. We won’t use it in this article, but I’ll mention it for completeness: <var>templateData</var>.raw is another array containing all the string parts in the tagged template, but this time exactly as they looked in the source code—with escape sequences like \n left intact, rather than being turned into newlines and so on. The standard tag String.raw uses these raw strings.)

This gives the SaferHTML function free rein to interpret both the string and the substitutions in a million possible ways.

Before reading on, maybe you’d like to try to puzzle out just what SaferHTML should do, and then try your hand at implementing it. After all, it’s just a function. You can test your work in the Firefox developer console.

Here is one possible answer (also available as a gist).

function SaferHTML(templateData) {
  var s = templateData[0];
  for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    var arg = String(arguments[i]);

    // Escape special characters in the substitution.
    s += arg.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
            .replace(/</g, "&lt;")
            .replace(/>/g, "&gt;");

    // Don't escape special characters in the template.
    s += templateData[i];
  return s;

With this definition, the tagged template SaferHTML`<p>${bonk.sender} has sent you a bonk.</p>` might expand to the string "<p>ES6&lt;3er has sent you a bonk.</p>". Your users are safe even if a maliciously named user, like Hacker Steve <script>alert('xss');</script>, sends them a bonk. Whatever that means.

(Incidentally, if the way that function uses the arguments object strikes you as a bit clunky, drop by next week. There’s another new feature in ES6 that I think you’ll like.)

A single example isn’t enough to illustrate the flexibility of tagged templates. Let’s revisit our earlier list of template string limitations to see what else you could do.

  • Template strings don’t auto-escape special characters. But as we’ve seen, with tagged templates, you can fix that problem yourself with a tag.

    In fact, you can do a lot better than that.

    From a security perspective, my SaferHTML function is pretty weak. Different places in HTML have different special characters that need to be escaped in different ways; SaferHTML does not escape them all. But with some effort, you could write a much smarter SaferHTML function that actually parses the bits of HTML in the strings in templateData, so that it knows which substitutions are in plain HTML; which ones are inside element attributes, and thus need to escape ' and "; which ones are in URL query strings, and thus need URL-escaping rather than HTML-escaping; and so on. It could perform just the right escaping for each substitution.

    Does this sound far-fetched because HTML parsing is slow? Fortunately, the string parts of a tagged template do not change when the template is evaluated again. SaferHTML could cache the results of all this parsing, to speed up later calls. (The cache could be a WeakMap, another ES6 feature that we’ll discuss in a future post.)

  • Template strings don’t have built-in internationalization features. But with tags, we could add them. A blog post by Jack Hsu shows what the first steps down that road might look like. Just one example, as a teaser:
    i18n`Hello ${name}, you have ${amount}:c(CAD) in your bank account.`
    // => Hallo Bob, Sie haben 1.234,56 $CA auf Ihrem Bankkonto.

    Note how in this example, name and amount are JavaScript, but there’s a different bit of unfamiliar code, that :c(CAD), which Jack places in the string part of the template. JavaScript is of course handled by the JavaScript engine; the string parts are handled by Jack’s i18n tag. Users would learn from the i18n documentation that :c(CAD) means amount is an amount of currency, denominated in Canadian dollars.

    This is what tagged templates are about.

  • Template strings are no replacement for Mustache and Nunjucks, partly because they don’t have built-in syntax for loops or conditionals. But now we’re starting to see how you would go about fixing this, right? If JS doesn’t provide the feature, write a tag that provides it.
    // Purely hypothetical template language based on
    // ES6 tagged templates.
    var libraryHtml = hashTemplate`
        #for book in ${myBooks}
          <li><i>#{book.title}</i> by #{}</li>

The flexibility doesn’t stop there. Note that the arguments to a tag function are not automatically converted to strings. They can be anything. The same goes for the return value. Tagged templates are not even necessarily strings! You could use custom tags to create regular expressions, DOM trees, images, promises representing whole asynchronous processes, JS data structures, GL shaders…

Tagged templates invite library designers to create powerful domain-specific languages. These languages might look nothing like JS, but they can still embed in JS seamlessly and interact intelligently with the rest of the language. Offhand, I can’t think of anything quite like it in any other language. I don’t know where this feature will take us. The possibilities are exciting.

When can I start using this?

On the server, ES6 template strings are supported in io.js today.

In browsers, Firefox 34+ supports template strings. They were implemented by Guptha Rajagopal as an intern project last summer. Template strings are also supported in Chrome 41+, but not in IE or Safari. For now, you’ll need to use Babel or Traceur if you want to use template strings on the web. You can also use them right now in TypeScript!

Wait—what about Markdown?


Oh. …Good question.

(This section isn’t really about JavaScript. If you don’t use Markdown, you can skip it.)

With template strings, both Markdown and JavaScript now use the ` character to mean something special. In fact, in Markdown, it’s the delimiter for code snippets in the middle of inline text.

This brings up a bit of a problem! If you write this in a Markdown document:

To display a message, write `alert(`hello world!`)`.

it’ll be displayed like this:

To display a message, write alert(hello world!).

Note that there are no backticks in the output. Markdown interpreted all four backticks as code delimiters and replaced them with HTML tags.

To avoid this, we turn to a little-known feature that’s been in Markdown from the beginning: you can use multiple backticks as code delimiters, like this:

To display a message, write ``alert(`hello world!`)``.

This Gist has the details, and it’s written in Markdown so you can look at the source.

Up next

Next week, we’ll look at two features that programmers have enjoyed in other languages for decades: one for people who like to avoid an argument where possible, and one for people who like to have lots of arguments. I’m talking about function arguments, of course. Both features are really for all of us.

We’ll see these features through the eyes of the person who implemented them in Firefox. So please join us next week, as guest author Benjamin Peterson presents ES6 default parameters and rest parameters in depth.

About Jason Orendorff

More articles by Jason Orendorff…


  1. Brett Zamir

    Good write-up, but with the exception of the multi-line capability, I think template strings is inviting a backwards step in template creation.

    Since template strings are agnostic as far as mark-up language, one does not get any distinction between HTML tag names, attributes, or text, and thus no room for syntax highlighters to do their magic in a reliable way.

    I’ve mentioned it before here, but libraries like JsonML or my library Jamilih, allow one to take advantage of building a DOM tree (or potentially a DOM string) in JavaScript, while getting discrete syntax highlighting, minus the ugly brackets and closing tags of HTML, but with the full expressive power of JavaScript. (And if one does not wish one’s designers to have this power, one could insist on JSON instead of pure JavaScript.)

    Just because separation of concerns should occur (into design logic, business logic, etc.) does not mean that there needs to be a separation of syntaxes. JavaScript is the only one that can subsume the other syntaxes (yes, you can hack JavaScript into HTML templates, but it requires some proprietary syntax which doesn’t tend to work with syntax highlighting and I’d say generally confines you).

    The template code you have given would look like this in Jamilih, for example, and obviates any need for knowledge of a proprietary “#for” syntax:

    var libraryHtml = jml(‘ul’, [ => [‘li’, [
    [‘i’, book.title],
    ‘ by ‘ +

    May 15th, 2015 at 00:57

    1. Brian Di Palma

      I would discourage using string templates for anything other then very simple templating use cases. As Brett Zamir has already mentioned using a the programming language you already have access to is a better approach for more complex use cases. React has shown us the way, use the code!

      May 15th, 2015 at 13:08

  2. Gastón I. Silva

    > Tagged templates invite library designers to create powerful domain-specific languages.

    I´m not excited about that at all, keep it a secret please. (shhh!)

    I´ve seen what it did for Rails and the gems ecosystem and I think it was abused. There is a ton of gems that claim to *make it so easy* to add new features to your app. Its true only for the first 15 min. Then you realize that some parts of a DSL is not as intuitive as the author imagined it to be, or limits you in some way.

    A few times I had to hack around those clever-DSL-gems, either for customization purposes or because there was a bug, and it resulted in a bigger *waste* of time than if I had used just regular Ruby/HTML/JS from the beginning.

    May 16th, 2015 at 13:11

    1. voracity

      Absolutely, DSLs can be very powerful, but also very dangerous. They’re mostly dangerous precisely because they aren’t subject to the same rigorous standardisation processes as languages like JavaScript.

      Another big concern is that we might start seeing things like this (substitute your favourite language):

      class HelloWorldApp {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println(“Hello World!”); // Display the string.


      Which of course was possible before, but not nearly as clean and convenient.

      May 17th, 2015 at 20:10

      1. voracity

        Why on earth would the comment system strip tags, rather than escape everything properly? This is closer to the intent:

        class HelloWorldApp {
        ____public static void main(String[] args) {
        ________System.out.println(“Hello World!”); // Display the string.


        May 17th, 2015 at 20:13

    2. Jason Orendorff

      > I´ve seen what it did for Rails and the gems ecosystem and I think it was abused.

      Maybe so, and maybe it’ll be abused in JS, too. But also, maybe flexibility and expressiveness in a programming language are good things on the whole, and maybe it’s possible to keep getting better at using them sensibly.

      DSLs were “cool” during the peak of Ruby’s culture of coolness. It turns out coolness is not a great touchstone for sound engineering practice. To reject them now because they are uncool is to repeat the same mistake of choosing style and reputation over substance and experience.

      Some tagged templates will be very popular and uncontroversial. I think tags that behave as “string interpolation with extra formatting options” will be in this category. “String interpolation with a little extra checking” will be useful too.

      Beyond that, what do we see? The web dev community has a surprising and interesting culture of compiler engineering: (cf. SASS, LESS, CoffeeScript, sweet.js, Babel, and more). Combining this experience with tagged templates could lead to great things.

      However—I will go ahead and undermine my point here a little bit by saying I’m honestly looking forward to the abuse as well. ASCII-To-SVG as a tagged template? Who doesn’t want to live in a future where that’s a thing?

      May 18th, 2015 at 10:11

      1. voracity

        While your comment was not directed at mine, I realised my comment could be interpreted as being against template strings and/or DSLs, which is not the case at all. I’m really looking forward to creative, weird and wonderful uses of template strings and DSLs (narrow DSLs moreso than universal ones). From simple $`body` (which doesn’t work right yet :( ), to jsx`[div][/div]` to chained calls like fn`x“y` — I don’t know what will be useful and low friction and what will not, but it’ll be fun finding out.

        But I think this feature should come with a caution. DSLs allow for general languages too, which could replace JavaScript. But JavaScript (including ES6 and ES7 so far) is a beautiful, enduring, powerful, diverse, creative, weird and wonderful language, that draws its strengths from many, many other languages. (It could be called *Script based on how many languages it draws from.) Yes, create your own DSL and be ambitious, but I’d ask that people don’t set out to destroy and replace JavaScript globally, just because they have a strict opinion of how things “should” work (often, for short-term reasons of security, performance, correctness; but also for more sensible reasons like clarity). I hope I *never* see entire sites written with (java||coffeescript||cpp||c||haskell||python||ruby||rust||go)`…` become commonplace — even though I’d love to see (and learn from) such sites as experiments.

        May 21st, 2015 at 22:44

  3. PhistucK

    Actually, template strings seem to be enabled by default in Chrome 41. According to
    Even if this is wrong, I use Chrome 42, without that flag – and they are available.

    May 16th, 2015 at 23:23

    1. Jason Orendorff

      Thanks. You’re right. I’ll fix the post.

      May 18th, 2015 at 10:12

      1. PhistucK

        Turns out it is already implemented in Microsoft Edge (the new Internet Explorer) –

        So the new Microsoft browser (that will be released this summer, along with Windows 10) supports it as well.

        May 18th, 2015 at 11:03

  4. keed

    It’s so baldly syntax we have now in ES6+…

    someFunc(a => {

    someFunc(fn () {
    “I want to beleive we could have this short oldscool syntax soon :-)”;

    function* abc() {
    “OMG! This is a Soviet development!”;

    generator abc() {
    “I want to beleive we could have this syntax soon :-)”;

    var a = `It’s look like a ${crutch}, you know`;

    var a = “It’s look like a \{future}”;

    Markdown… Yes, yes, it’s great solution, bravo! I like modern JS :-)
    To display a message, write “alert(`hello world!`)“

    var {a, …b} = c;
    There isn’t a way to modify name of var i’m goind to export. Thus i can’t create a object like var a = {“return”: “a”}, cause of var {return, …a} = a; Nice!

    May 26th, 2015 at 08:09

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