This past weekend, a group of MDN contributors finished another fun and productive documentation sprint, while enjoying the environment of Mozilla’s London office.

Julia and Julien battle at the foosball table, while Onur looks on.
Here’s a sampling of what we accomplished:
Onur Avsar added the last remaining HTML elements that were undocumented (noframes, isindex, spacer, ruby, rt, and rp). The HTML element reference on MDN now has complete coverage. Woot! (Of course, all the reference pages can always be improved, especially with browser compatibility info and code examples.)
Louis-Rémi Babé installed Kuma, improved the Kuma installation docs as a result, and submitted a pull request to enable creating tab components.
Frédéric Bourgeon (participating remotely!) translated ::first-line, transition-duration, and transition-property into French.
Julia Buchner created French translations for border-image, border-image-width, and learned about compatibility table templates and live examples, and worked on automating testing of HTML and CSS properties. She also submitted several bugs, related to localizing in Kuma.
Marc-Aurèle Darche wrote Open Web Apps and Web standards, based on partly on Kumar McMillan’s recent blog post, rewrote What is the difference between an app and an add-on?, fixed the rendering of mozIStorageService, and added --class X11
to the command-line options for Mozilla applications.
Christian Heilmann created a demo and corresponding article on taking webcam photos using WebRTC. Thanks also to Chris for making sure we had lots of good coffee!
Trevor Hobson (participating remotely!) updated nsINavBookmarksService with Gecko 14 changes, and also fixed broken links and compatibility tables that were out of order.
Jérémie Patonnier documented a bunch of SVG attribute pages, such as mode and type; edited some of the SVG filter element pages to make them clearer; and worked on an upcoming post for the Hacks blog.
Jean-Yves Perrier documented the value definition syntax for CSS property values and the CSS cascade algorithm; added images to padding-top, padding-bottom; and started rewriting background-size.
Florian Scholz created a new WebAPI landing page, documented the Web APIs for Ambient Light, and <a href=”>Device Proximity,and Screen Brightness; updated WebSMS and Battery API; and documented several issues marked “dev-doc-needed” in Bugzilla. Florian also helped Louis-Remi set up Kuma and submit a pull request!
Till Schneidereit updated all the obsolete JSAPI functions with the version where they were removed, documented some new functions, and updated some changed ones.
Julien Wajsberg and Marc-Aurèle worked together on improving the IndexedDB docs, testing and writing code examples. Julien, who works for Orange Labs, says that he owes most of his knowledge of IndexedDB to the work of his intern there, Samy Kantari.
Thanks to Chris Mills from Opera for hanging out with the group while working on a related project. (Look for more news about that later this week.)
Kadir Topal from the SUMO team also joined us, and talked with localizers about their workflow and needs. Since MDN’s Kuma platform is based on SUMO’s Kitsune platform, relevant improvements in one will eventually flow to the other.
Thanks also to Ali Spivak for organizing all the logistics, and to Shannon Clayton for helping us feel welcome. I’m afraid we put a bit of a dent in the office’s supply of chocolate:

Janet is the Community Lead and Project Manager for MDN Web Docs. She joined Mozilla in 2010, and has been involved in open source software since 2004 and in technical communication since the 20th century. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and a standard poodle.
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