Ever since the release of Firefox 3 we’ve been doing a lot of work to add new capabilities for web developers. We thought it would be worth it to make a post that actually listed all of the features that we knew about and people might not know about. This contains everything that we’ve done over the last three releases or so, but calls out stuff that’s new in 3.6.
- Display online fonts (supports WOFF and TTF fonts)
- pointer-events
- Click through elements
- Know if you are in a ltr or rtl context
:indeterminate pseudo-class
- For “indeterminate” radio and checkboxes
Media Queries
- Select CSS depending on the media (size, aspect-ratio, colors, orientation, resolution). has new classes to detect if you’re on a touch device.
Structural pseudo-classes
- :nth-child, :nth-last-child, :nth-of-type, :nth-last-of-type, …
- Rounded borders
CSS Transforms
- Scale, translate, skew and rotate your elements
CSS Gradients
- Use linear and radial gradients as backgrounds
Multiple Background
- Use images, gradients and other items all as part of the same background
Background size
- Define the size of your background images
CSS Columns
- Display your content in columns
Text Shadow
- Shadow around text
Box Shadow
- Shadow around elements
Border image
- Use images as border for your elements
rem length unit
- Size your elements compared to the root text element
Image Rendering Algorithm
- Optimize speed or quality for resized images
Cross Domain XMLHttpRequest
- Allows XMLHttpRequest to other domains
Monitoring Request Progress
- Calculate percentages of uploads or downloads
Send binary data
- Send non-ASCII content
- Read binary data from a request
- Read binary data sent by a server from an XMLHttpRequest
Offline and online events
- Get notified when the browser goes online or offline
- Store persistent data
HTML5 Application Cache
- Build an application for offline use in Firefox
Video Tag (poster attribute)
- Embed videos directly in your web page
Audio Tag
- Embed audio files in your web pages
Canvas Element
- Draw bitmap data with JavaScript
Animated PNG graphics
- Animate your transparent PNG graphics
SVG Support
- Draw, manipulate and get events for vector graphics
- Add HTML content inside an SVG element
Apply SVG effects and transforms to plain old HTML content
- CSS mask, clip-path, or filter with SVG
In-page Drag and Drop
- Cleanly support Drag and Drop inside of your web application
Drag and Drop files from the Desktop
- Drag and drop files directly from the operating system into your web page
DNS Pre-fetching
- Speed up web page loading with DNS prefetching
- Retrieve someone’s GPS coordinates or Street address
Mouse gesture events
- Swipe, Magnify and Rotate from your mousepad
Detecting device orientation
- Events for detecting machine orientation
Web Based protocol handlers
- Set up a web app to support a protocol like “mailto:” or “phone:”
Detecting document width and height changes
- Figure out when someone changes the size of a document
Communicate between windows and iframes
- Securely send messages from one document to another
JavaScript and API
Native JSON
- Encode and decode JavaScript objects safely and quickly
Web Workers
- Run JavaScript code in a thread
File API
- Read the binary content of files from Drag and Drop and File Upload controls
- Find an element in the web page through a CSS Selector
- Easily manipulate the classes of an element
defer and async attributes for scripts elements
- Improve the performance of page loads with new script attributes
About Paul Rouget
Paul is a Firefox developer.