Optimizing JavaScript Performance With Firefox Dev Tools

The Performance tool in Firefox Developer Tools offers a great way to diagnose slow-running JavaScript and provides insight into the general responsiveness and layout performance of your web site.

In this video screencast, I’ll go through the process of how to diagnose issues with slow code and how to fix those issues in your code. Watch me fix for a 2d canvas demo that’s so slow it can barely update after a few seconds. By running a performance analysis, I’ll show you a simple code tweak that makes the demo run well at real-time rates.

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About Greg Tatum

Greg Tatum is a Developer Tools Engineer working on the Performance and Memory tools. He has a passion for creative coding and is always trying to push browsers to their limits in what they can draw using 2d canvas and WebGL.

More articles by Greg Tatum…


  1. Ajinkya Borade

    thanks. Though I use Chrome DEv tools which is ease to use. Hope FF brings more tools to get Devs back into FF

    April 13th, 2016 at 00:58

  2. atir mallick

    Thank you sir.

    April 13th, 2016 at 09:58

  3. Skatox

    Nice tutorial! thanks for doing it.

    April 27th, 2016 at 06:11

  4. Dynomica

    Thank you for this tutorial! I found it very helpful.

    May 4th, 2016 at 00:43

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